The Olive Oil (Akashi x Furihata)

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"Arghhhh...! Am I being punished by the Gods?" Furihata frustratedly sighed as he wiped the sweat in his forehead using the back of his hand. "Why the hell is it out of stock in this store too?!"

"I'm really sorry, sir," the girl from the store politely apologized.

"Never mind. I'll just find another store." Furihata turned his back on the store and sighed again.

The sun is scorchingly hot, the city is so busy, and there he was, diligently searching every possible store he can see just to buy a bottle of olive oil.

Why do he have to buy a bottle of olive oil again?

Well, if he can still remember, it was like this:

"Furihata! Can you please buy me a bottle of olive oil? That useless dad of mine! He didn't even told me that we're out of stock of it here!" Coach Riko requested him as she forcefully shook the bottlle of olive oil vertically into the pan to at least get last drops from it.


"Riko! Can't you think twice before-- uhm, you know. You don't have to do this! I beg of you!" Our captain, Junpei, rushed to the kitchen and pleaded to the coach.


"No, it's okay! You studied for hours here and you haven't had a good sleep and food since yesterday so let me do this as compensation or whatever you want to call it. Don't worry, making croquettes is just a piece of cake for me!" she said.


"That's the very reason why we don't want you to cook," Izuki bluntly said that we all looked at him with eyes of an owl. Wow, he had the guts to say that to our coach! Well, not long after, a laddle came flying in perfect accuracy to his face. He immediately passed out. Everyone saw that one coming.


"Well anyway, if I don't have olive oil here, then I can't cook so I'm counting on you, Furihata, to buy it, please?" She pouted while giving him the money.


"B-but coach--" He wanted to refuse since he himself don't want to experience the horror of their coach's cooking, and his teammates were pleading behind his back too, shaking their heads for him to not accept the money, but when she smiled sweetly and said, "I'll put you into Boston Crab Hold if you don't.", he doesn't have any choice but to accept the money.


How the hell can he refuse?! That Boston Crab is far worse than her cooking! Can you imagine how terrible was that?


(A/N: Refer to KnB Ep 5, the one Riko did to Tetsuya because he suddenly disappeared after the ate steak xD)

"I-i'll go buy it immediately!", he said and dashed outside their coach's house. He can still hear the cries of his teammates from behind the door before he finally started his journey to buy a bottle of olive oil.

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