Rumour Has It (Aomine x Kise x Akashi)

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I'm BACK!! <3

After that no-BS chapter, here comes a threesome with mind-blowing BS! 

*facepalms while screaming internally*

And because of this, wattpad rated this R. I need to edit this. Argh.

You be the judge. Haha.

Approx. 2.2Kwords


"Che~! I lost again!" Kise wearily sat on one of the benches in the court and sighed, before he quaffed down the ice-cold water from his tumbler.

"That's why I'm telling you to give up! You can never beat me," Aomine said with a teasing smirk on his face. Momoi gave him a towel.

"No way. Haven't I told you that I don't give up that easily?" he fired back.

"Now, now. You're not practicing for you to fight each other, right? We have a match this Sunday remember that. The other team is our opponents, not your teammates," Momoi intervened as she also handed him a fresh towel.

"Thanks," Kise said and wiped his body. "But it's actually good if you have rivals. They let you realize your weakness which would push you to improve yourself."

"Wow, that's quite deep, coming from you." Momoi grinned.

"Is that a compliment or an insult? Which is it?" Kise asked, pouting.

Momoi giggled. "Both, haha. Anyway, have you heard about the rumours?"

"What rumour?"

"That one where someone said that your locker room was haunted!"

"H-haunted?" Kise's interest was piqued.

"Hey, stop that Satsuki. You're doing it again!" Aomine said.

"Wait, let me finish this! It was said that last week, one of the second stringers were practicing late at night. When he was about to go home and when he passed by the regulars' locker room, he heard ghastly moans saying 'It hurts, it hurts!'. He immediately thought that it was a ghost and ran away in fear. The morning after, he consulted some people and they said that it was a ghost which remembered itself being tortured in that room and was asking for help."

Kise shivered. "B-but, why in our room?" he asked.

"Apparently, our school became a military base in the second world war and that was the place where their torture room once existed."

"What an idiotic story," Aomine said.

"You don't believe in ghosts, Aominecchi?"

"Well, last time I saw a ghost, it was Tetsu."

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