The Feeling is Mutual (Idiot!) (Aomine x Kagami)

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It's long. Well I still hope you'll come to like this one. This is one of the best ships for me. I really don't want a girly uke but this couple, you know, reeks of manliness, but when they clash... Okay stop. Haha. >//< 

Dedicated to her (who first requested this) , @SimplyKuudere, and of course to all of you who love yaoi! BANZAI! :DD


Aomine hid from behind the shadows and slightly lowered his bonnet. Some students of this school noticed him and sharing whispers with each other but he paid no attention to them. Instead, he had his eye glued into the gate, patiently waiting for a certain someone.

"Kagami! I think you should hurry up."

Aomine's back straightened up when he heard a familiar voice say that name. He clutched the black leather jacket he wore and watched as Kagami ran into Kuroko's side.

"Sorry, I was tangled with the fans swarming around us."

Aomine's body stiffened as soon as he heard his voice and then lost its force when he saw the maroon-headed forward of Seirin. He held onto an electric post to collect his force and look at him again. His stomach churned, his heart wanted to burst from inside his chest, his hands were trembling.

No doubt about it. Aomine got a disease that happens only when Kagami's presence is near him. It was something that makes him weak, and yet it was overwhelming. It was something fatal, he's sure of it, and yet he was rather glad than terrified when he realized he had it.

That he had feelings for Kagami.

Maybe he was just too caught up with his defeat with Kagami. Or should he say that he just can't accept that he lost to someone just like that. But in his eyes, he saw how Kagami pushed his limits just to win, and for that, he started admiring him. And that admiration gradually developed into something

What the heck, that's just so gay! But loving a man when he's also a guy makes him a gay, right?

W-well, changing the topic, that was the reason why he was here in Seirin High and was practically becoming like a stalker here. He wanted to see him everyday. He wanted to be beside him, to kiss him, to touch him, but of course he can't do that jut like that. So he's just making himself contented with seeing him from afar...

Sometimes, he just can't believe how he can't be like this when he's so full of himself.

"Ah! It would be--" he heard Kagami exclaim.

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