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"dan wake up.."

"you'll be late" dans eyes squint as he wakes up

"I don't want to go.."

"nope come on you're getting up" Phil says picking dan up and hauling him over his shoulder, squeals and tries to get down

"alright fine!" dan says, Phil puts him down and lets him get ready.

"o-oh by the way, they really want to meet you.. did you want to come today?" dan asks putting his shoes on. his outfit for the day is black jeans, a galaxy t-shirt and the Nike Shoes Phil bought him a while ago.

"i'd love to" Phil smiles. they head downstairs to the group

"Finally lets go" James says, walking straight to the car.

"hey are you okay? the driver said you didn't look well on the way back.." Seth asks worried. and they head to the car and get in

"o-oh yeah I'm fine don't worry " dan says

"alright. so Phil! you're coming today!" Seth smiles.

"he isn't allowed to" they hear James mutter under his breath, but they ignore him

"Ben, Mike and Will wanted to meet him so he's gonna see me do the song today. OH! what one are you doing?"

"I have two in mind.. For Forever or Waving through a Windo-"

"I'm doing waving through a window you can't do it" James says bluntly

"alright fine" Seth sighs,

"what about you dan?"

"Im going to do Words Fail" dan smiles softly, Seths eyes brighten up

"oh you'll do that so well! so, what did you talk to the guys about? you took longer than me so I'm guessing you were chatting" Seth asks

"About my life, they're really interested in my story, but they did sincerely me in the end"

"ah cool! we talked a little too but really differently"

"oh? how so?"

"I told them I don't really want to be Evan, I really want to be Jarred!"

"oh wow really? but didn't you want to be Evan?"  dan asks,

"no to be honest I think Im More of a jared person myself. so you're definitely ahead of me in this race" he smiles. dan smiles back and notices out the corner of his eye that James was glaring at him through the rear view mirror.

they arrive at the theatre and get out of the car, heading into the building.

"who's going first today-"

"I am" James says walking past them and onto the stage.

"yeah he is, then me, you're last today?" Seth says

"oh well" dan says. him and Phil follow Seth into the waiting room / spare dressing room and sit down. Seth plays on the xbox, he asked if they wanted to play but they kindly declined. after half an hour Seth is called out, he says goodbye and leaves. Dan and Phil see James walk past laughing to himself. he stops at the door and pokes his head in, 

"See you tomorrow Daniel" he laughs at him and leaves

"little brat I can't believe him!" Phil groans. another half amour goes past and Seth comes back

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