Chapter 3: Classes

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"Is that Finn Wolfhard?" Netty asked me. I take a better look at the boy and to my surprise, it's him. "Yess, it is! Come on, I wanna get a picture!" I says grabbing her arm and pulling her over to Finn. "Hey girls! Can I help you?" He turned before talking. "You can help me in a lot of ways." Netty says. "Shut up Netty. Sorry she kinda can't control her mouth." I apologized for her. "No, no. It's fine. She reminds me of my good friend Jack. Funny." He says with a smile on his face looking at Netty. They stare at eachother for a moment before I talk. "So can I get a picture?" I ask. "Me too." Netty added. "Sure. Hey can you take this picture?" He asked a waitress, handing her my phone. I stood next to Finn while Netty hugged him. He put his arm around her. "Thank you soo much." I say, taking back my phone. "No problem. Anything for a fan." He replied. "Can I get your number- NETTY." Netty started, then I inturupted. I looked at him with a expression that said 'sorry'. "It's fine. Here." He said, putting his number in her phone. "I'll text you." He said to Netty before walking away, causing her to smile, and me to be left speechless. She turned to me and said "What? I have that effect on people." Then walked away. I quickly followed, then we ate dinner.

Later that night

After we got home we finished putting up some last-minute decorations. I hung white lights above my bed and stood back to get a better view. "Pretty." I say to myself.

Me and Netty's sides were completely different

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Me and Netty's sides were completely different. Her side still had everything packed up but some clothes and her bed. "Aww." Netty says. I look at her confused. "What is it?" I ask. "Finn is adorable, he's talking to me about his anxiety." She says giggling. "Wait, really?" I ask, in disbelief that he was talking to her. "Yeah." She replied, not looking up from her phone. I get my outfit out for tommorow. A simple black shirt with ripped jeans. What can I say, I'm basic.

After I get out the shower I go on  instagram and see Finn posted something, so I go see what it is.

finnwolfhardofficial: I love meeting my fans ❤

Liked by: sophialillis, wyattoleff, jackdgrazer, and 708,983 others

wyattoleff: Why don't you tag anyone, the girl at the end is kinda cute.

sophialillis: Aww same, Finnie boy @finnwolfhardofficial

I see the comment Wyatt left and realize, I'm the girl on the end. "OMG!" I scream. Netty runs out the bathroom in a towel and face-mask and says "What is it? You alright?" I show her my phone and she says "Oh, I thought it was serious." "WHAT DO YOU MEAN NOT SERIOUS? THIS IS HUGE." I reply. "Well, I'm already talking to Finn. So it's no biggie." She says as she goes back in the bathroom. "Wow." I say to myself, then like the picture. I fall asleep about a hour later.

The next morning

Your POV

I woke up at 5:00 am , even though school doesn't start till 8:00 am, to get ready. I took a shower last night so, I don't have to take one this morning. By the time I get my makeup and hair done,get my clothes on, and brush my teeth, it's time to wake Netty up. "Come on Netty, get up." I say as I lightly shake her awake. Soon she is finished with her routine, so we head out on our bikes.

"Well, it's only 7:16. Let's get something to eat." Netty says, checking her watch. We pull into McDonald's, where Netty gets a breakfast biscuit, and I get a medium Frape. "This is so good." I say, sipping my drink and going on my phone. Netty looks at me, then snatches it out my hands. "Mmm, it is good." She says with a smile on her face. "Gimme." I say, taking it back. We finsh, then head off to school.

"What do you got for first period?" I ask looking at my schedule. "Umm, history. And you?" Netty says. "Math." Soon we realize we have 2 classes together. Science and Gym. The bell rings and we go off to our classes. When I walk in to class, I can't believe my eyes. Sitting in the back was him. Wyatt Oleff.

"Tell me how it feels to be somebody else"

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