Chapter 6: Target pt.2

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When we went into the parking lot, Wyatt walked over to a car and popped open the trunk. I walked over to the car and stood behind him. He turned around and smiled. "You can put your stuff in the trunk." He said taking the bag out of my hand. "Okay." I said. I don't know why but he leaves me with a loss of words. Maybe it was his smile, that smile could light up an entire town. Or maybe it was his personality, he makes me feel so bubbley. It was everything. He is perfect. "Come on,
Y/n." He said, breaking me out of my thoughts. He grabbed my hand and I felt butterflys form in my stomach. We climb into the back seat of the car and sit next to eachother. In the front seat I see a woman with blue hair driving (not lying, his mom does have blue hair😂) "Hello honey, you must be Y/n." She said to me. "Yeah, I am. You must be Wyatt's sister, right." She let out a little laugh when I said that. "Your too sweet Y/n. I'm his mother." She said with a kind tone. "Oh, you look very young." I said. "Thank you, I can tell why Wyatt can't stop talking about you." Her response made me look over at Wyatt, who was blushing causing me to blush too.

We pull into a long driveway that leads to a huge house. I look out the window with amazement all over my face. "Wow your house is beautiful." I say.

Wyatt's POV

"Wow your house is beautiful." Y/N says. Not as beautiful as you. I think to myself. She's just so perfect. I wanna ask her to be my girlfriend, but I don't wanna rush things with her so I better wait.

I lead her into my house, then we start going up the stairs when my mom stops us. "Where are you guys going?" My mom asks walking to the bottom of the stairs. "Um, up to my room to watch a movie." I say with a nervous tone in my voice. "Okay, but you better not do any touching. You know what I mean." She says, causing me and Y/n's faces to turn bright red. "We won't mom." I say going up to my room. "So I have to put it in the dvd player, you can get the snacks ready, if you wanna." I say grabbing the movie out of the bag. "Okay." She replied.


I got out all of the snacks and layed them out on the bed. I grab my hot Cheetos and start eating them. Wyatt turns around and starts walking to his bed, to sit next to me. "Want some?" I say holding out the bag. "No, thank you. I'll probably have some later in the movie." He says, smiling. "Okay, where's the ice cream?" I say, putting another hot Cheeto in my mouth. He turns around and grabs it. "I want some now, I can go get us some spoons." He says getting up and walking out the door.

Wyatt's POV

I go downstairs and grab two spoons. I stop when I see my mom in the living room reading. "Mom" I say walking into the living room. "Yes, Wyatt." She responded, not looking up from her book. "Can you order me and Y/n some pizza." I say. "Sure, cheese and pepperoni, right." She says, pulling out her phone and calling the pizza. "Thanks." I say walking up the stairs. I walk back in to see Y/n very interested in the movie. "Ya know, Stan's my favorite character." She said, smiling at me. I felt my cheeks get hot. I sat down and we started to watch the movie together.

Time skip 35 mins

It was at the part where Stan gets attacked by the lady. "Oh, I hate this part. Stan deserved so much better." She said, turning twards me. "I know, when we shot that part I had to scream at the top of my lungs and cry." I told her. "Aww, it makes me sad when the people I like cry." She likes me? "Well, I'm okay now. With you." I say, scooting over a little closer to her. "Wyatt I-" Y/n started but got cut off by my mom walking in my room. "The pizza is here." I get up and grab the box from my mom then sit back down on the bed. "What were you gonna say?" I asked, hoping she would say she liked me back. "Oh right, I really like being around you." She said. "I like you too."

"I like me better when I'm with you"

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