Chapter 14: Jelousy

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The boys help us with our bags and we get in a bus looking thing. "Are we gonna go meet Nicolas Hamilton now?" Netty asks. "Yea, we got to pick up a couple more losers then we will." Sophia says, getting into the driver's seat. "Likee?" I say, dragging on the e. "Jaeden and Lilia, Chosen, and Jeremy." Jack says. "Lilia? Who's that?" I question. "Big Bill's girlfriend." Netty answers. I look over at her and ask; "How did you know?" A smile spreads across her face and she answers with; "Because, I'm still a active member of the fandom and I've come across many edits of her." I roll my eyes at her and look out the window.

We pull up to a big gray house. Jaeden and who I asume is Lilia walk out, holding hands. Everyone smiles and waves. "Hey guys!" Jaeden greets us back. "Hi, I'm Lilia. I hope it's okay if I go on this trip with you guys." She spoke soft and kind of in a shy way. "Of course. I'm Y/n, Wyatt's girlfriend. And that's Netty, Finn's bathroom buddy." Netty smacked my arm. "I'm his girlfriend." She finalizes. "Nice to meet you." Lilia smiles. Her and Jaeden sit in the back, then we go pick up Chosen and Jeremy.

We got to our house we rented for the week and got it set up. Me and Wyatt decided to share a room and be a cleche couple. There was 5 rooms and 10 of us so, everyone had to have a partner to share a room with. Couples stayed together then Sophia and Chosen shared and so did Jack and Jeremy. Our room looked outside to a little pond. I set my stuff down and looked out the window. I felt arms rap around my waist, Wyatt. "Hey." I wispered, leaning my head on his chest. "Hey." He said back, kissing the top of my head. "How do you like it here?" He asks me. "It's, pretty and quite. I like it." I mumble. "I'm happy you like it. What should we eat for dinner?" He changes the subject. "Umm, pizza of course." I say, spinning around and walking down stairs. "Let's order pizza!" I yell. There was a shared collection of 'yea's and 'okay's throughout the house. "Make it half cheese." Netty requests. "Whatever." I say, ordering.

Later the pizza gets here and we all dig in. "Cheers to new friends!" Lilia anounces. We all click our drinks together and eat our food. I was happy to make new friends. "Who wants to play Mario Cart?" Wyatt asked. I didn't raise my hand, because I didn't really know how to play. But I imedetly regretted it when I saw that Sophia had raised her hand. I instantly got jelous because she and Wyatt had a special bond unlike the bond he had with the other cast mates. I look over at Netty and motion for her to go upstairs. We go up into her and Finn's room. "This is nice." I say. "I know right." She answers. "I'm scared, what if he starts to like her more than me?" I start to stress out. "He wont, and if he does I will personally kill him. And her." I hug her and thank her. We go back downstairs and see that Sophia had beat him in Mario Cart. "Haha! I win you loser!" She brags. Wyatt watches her with a smile and I begin to tremble with anger. "Stop." Netty wispers. I calm myself and go into the kitchen to talk to Lilia. "Hey!" I say, starting a conversation. "Hi!" She says, shaking my hand. "Me and Netty were going out on a little girls trip and we were wondering if you would wanna come?" I lie, I just wanted to get out of the house. "Sure! Lemme tell Jaeden then we can go." She says, walking over to Jaeden. I see them talk a bit then she kisses him. Netty goes and tells Finn. That means I should go tell Wyatt. I walk into the living room and see that he's still focased on beating Sophia. "Wyatt! Me, Netty, and Lilia are going out for a bit." I say. He pauses the game and looks at me. He gets up from the couch and hugs me. "Have fun princess." He kisses my forehead and I walk out. It was good to know that he still noticed me. Sophia gave a slight glare then went back to the game.

759 words

Hey guys! I needed to add some drama to the mix since there hasn't been much of that. *flashback to getting kicked out of school, getting kicked out of the house, then publicly shamed* I image this book to have about 25 chapters at least so I need to put in stuffing then the end. OMG MY MOVIE IS PLAYING IN MY THEATERS I SAW IT LIKE A WEEK AGO! (A quiet place) And I need ideas for my other story (Bowers.) So if any of you beautiful people have ideas I'm sure there amazing and I wanna hear them!! Byeee ~ Kenzi

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