Chapter 19: Tea ft Fangirls

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On the screen was Netty. "WHAT THE FUCK WYATT!" I scream, smacking the phone out of his hands as tears roll down my face. "What you said you would freak out." He exclaimed, throughing his arms in the air. "I thought it was gonna be like someone famous, NOT Netty!" I yell, pasing around his room. "Netty is famous. She has like 200k on intsagram." Wyatt says defensively. "SHE ISN'T FAMOUS! SHE'S MY FUCKING BESTFRIEND FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!" I cry. "Well it doesn't seem like your that close. Your never with her." He crosses his arms. "Not that close? NOT THAT CLOSE? I'VE KNOWN HER FOR MY ENTIRE LIFE. 13 FUCKING YEARS FOR YOU TO SAY WE'RE NOT THAT CLOSE." I feel my face twist into a scowl. "Well I guess this is what I get for trusting you." He says, going on his phone. "You have no right to even say anything like that. At all. How would you feel if I showed you a picture of Will? Then told you, you guys weren't even close. And to top it off I make myself the victim." I say, taking his phone away and locking it a drawer. "I-" He studdered. "Exactly. And fyi, you don't need to trust me. Because this dumbass relationship is finally fucking over. I can't believe I ever thought you were a decent human." I snap, turning around and walking out. "I'll just text Netty, I don't need you." He mumbled thinking I wouldn't hear him. I whipped around and jumped on him. I started pounding at his head, causing him to fall on the floor creating a thud. His mom came running up the stairs. "OH MY GOD!" She yelled, grabbing me. "Y/n, what has gotten into you?" She asked, conserned. "Well, your son told me he liked my bestfriend. Then told me that we weren't close. Then told me that he didn't need me because he had Netty." I explained, smiling. Her eyes widened. "I'm sorry for his behavior, sweety. I'll call you a uber." She said, pulling out her phone. "No it fine, I'll have my friend Lilia pick me up." I say smiling and walking down the stairs. When I left I felt the cool breeze hit my face. I called Lilia. "Hey can you come pick me up from Wyatts?" My voice broke. "Me and Netty are on the way." She says, then hangs up. I walk to the end of the drive-way and cry until they got here.

"What happened?" Lilia asked, getting out of the car. Netty stormed up the driveway and I ran after her. "NETTY YOU CAN'T!" I yelled, she stopped and turned to me. "Why?" She asked, angrily. "Because, I'll tell you later." I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the car. "Do you want to go somewhere. Uh. Fun, maybe?" Lilia asked me, trying to lighten the mood. "Yea, like where?" I asked, a little curious. "Well to like a theme park or something. Six flags okay?" Netty said. "Uh yeah! I need to get my mind off of Wyatt." I say, excited. "What you need is to find a cute boy your age and marry him." Netty says, under her breath. "Ehem, emjay, cough cough." Lilia pretends to cough. "I wish."

We get to the park and get our wristbands to get in. Before we can even get on a ride, we're stopped by a girl and two boys. "Um, I'm sorry to bother you but I'm a huge fan." The girl says, smiling. "Yea, she never stops talking about you three and how your the best ever." A taller boy with a hat says. I look over to the shorter boy who was looking at me. The girl and taller boy looked alot alike. "Thank you, and are you two twins?" I ask her. All three kinda let out a laugh. "Were triplets. I'm Robert, he's Dartainian, and she's Anastasia." The shorter boy explains. I noticed he had braces. I smiled. "Well nice to meet you guys. Do you wanna hang out?" Netty says, eyeing Dartainian. "Yes! Omg!" Anastasia squeels. The shorter one rolls his eyes. I nudge Netty. "Hey, you can't like every single guy you see." I wisper to her. "Well guess what. I'm a teenager and I have raging hormones. I can't help if I get a boner or two." She wispers back. "Netty what the fuck. When did you grow a dick?" I ask confused. "Finn gave me his." She laughed. "I hope that was just a joke." "And plus, do you notice anything firmilier about these boys?" She asked, with wide eyes. "No. What?" I say, annoyed. "They're the twins from sinister 2. Zach and Dylan." Now I had wide eyes.

A couple of years ago, me and Netty watched this movie called sinister 2. We only watched it because she saw a cute boy in the trailer for it, aka 14 year old Lucas Zumann playing the main evil killer ghost kid, Milo Jacobs. We watched the movie and typical Netty had eyes for more than just Milo Jacobs, she also liked Zach. Aka this dartainian kid we just met. And I liked Dylan. Aka Dartainian's brother who seemed very annoyed with us.
This had to be the most important thing that has ever happened to me. We went from fangirling, to the people we fangirled over, hanging out with us. We'll the people we fangirled over's sister. Same thing.

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I'm so happy I included the Sloan triplets! Me and Netty fan girl over them all the time but I will never watch that movie again. It has these creepy murder tapes in it and one of them got to me so bad that I had to stay home from school from being sick. But other than that, everybody in my story is probably going to be a real person. And when I finish this story, I've been working on 3 other long story's! The first  one is a it fan-fic called bowers. It's Henry x oc. The second one is a Miss Peregrine's Home For Peculiar Children fan-fic called waking up slow. It's Victor bruntly x oc. And the third one is a Anne with an e fan-fic called letters. It's oc x jerry baynard. So when I stop updating on this one, I'll be updating the next story.

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