Chapter 28: Anniversary pt 3

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Your pov

I walk in the house and see that Wyatt set up a Netflix fort. There was food and blankets, and it was dark. "Wyatt, I-" I stopped in the middle of my sentence. "Do you like it?" He asks, concerned. "What- of course! How could I not?" I ask, getting closer and take off my shoes. I step inside and lay next to him. "Happy 6 months." He places a kiss to my lips. "It's going to be a happier 6 months with you." I say, grabbing his hand. "Lay down, it's comfortable as hell in here." He laughs. I lay down and look up at the top of the fort. "We've known each other for 6 months now. Holy shit does time fly." I say, shutting my eyes. "Well time flies by when your in love." He says, playing with my hand. "What movie are we gonna watch? He asks, typing in on netflix. "The Babysitter, what do you think this is?" I say, typing it in. "Okay." He says, moving back. The movie starts with Cole in the nurses office. "I love this movie." I say, picking up a slice of pizza. "I love you." Wyatt smiles. "I love you more. Now let's get to the movie." I say, biting my pizza.

We're about 20 minutes into the movie, so Cole's parents are about to leave. I feel my phone buzz and I look at the screen. A new text from Robert: open. I unlock my phone to read it.
It read's: Y/n, I know that I tried to make a move on you too quickly and I regret that because it ruined our friendship. But I wanna fix it. So can you go to the Maine Street Fair tomorrow at 3? I look at I for a minute. I look over at Wyatt, who's laughing at the movie and stuffing his face with sweetish fish. Lemme tell Wyatt first. I send the text and he almost instantly texts back. Please don't tell Wyatt. I stay on the messages and respond. Why. I wait a couple seconds, He takes things in a different contex. I scrunch my face up. He's never done that. Robert responds. Yes he does. Like when we were in the hotel room. We got into a fist fight because of him taking things in the wrong contex. I read it and giggle. Oh yeah 😂. He leaves me on read and I put my phone down and watch the movie. I put my head on Wyatts shoulder. His eyes move to me and he lightly smiles. I shut my eyes and listen to the movie. Soon I dont hear anything.

I wake up and look over at
Wyatt. Be was asleep. I run my finger's through his curly hair and smile. I check the time. 10:30 pm. Damn I slept for at least 5 hours. And I'm still tired. I look at my phone and go to Instagram. I like a couple fan edits and I see a new picture on my feed. It was on Nettys account. She was in a big black dress and a mask. Finn was holding her hand in a matching suit. It masquerade ball. I like the picture and look at the caption. Coming 2020. What was coming?

OOOF do you understand how bullshit life is. Like Mike is leading me on, again. And one of the classes that I have with him, I also have with my bestfriend but she just got suspended. Everything reminds me of him. And it's stressful. But I have my amazing ibf to annoyingly rant to, ily Paige💘!!!

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