Chapter 20: 6 flags

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a/n, I drew that so yeah comment what you think ^^

We got in line for a ride. But I didn't even want to go on it. I just wanted to talk to Wyatt. I wanted to talk it over with him and just make sure we see both sides of the story. But I don't know if I can forgive him. Or if he can forgive me. Maybe were not supposed to be together. Yeah. We're not for each other.

Soon we were at the front of the line and about to get on. The lady ushers us on the ride and fastens us in. I was next to Robert. Of course. I had to be next to the one person on this ride who wasn't a fan of me. "You know, I can switch with someone if you want." I say, causing him to look up at me. "Why?" He asked, confused. "Because I can tell when someone doesn't like me. And the feeling isn't pleasant." I say, very straight forward.
"You can calm down, you aren't that important to me." He said annoyed. I gasped then unbuckled my strap. "Get me off!" I yelled, causing one of the workers to undo the rest of my buckles. "Is everything okay ma'am?" The worker asked. "Just peachy. Cant you tell?" I storm off and go sit down on the bench. Soon Netty came and sat down next to me. "What's wrong with you?" She asked, looking at me. "That little asshole is a asshole! He told me I wasn't important." I exclaimed. "Robert?" She asked. "Yeah!" She looked down at the ground, then back at me. "I'll be back." She began to get up but I pulled her back. "Netty, you can't keep hitting people!" I yelled. "Look, I've slapped a thousand bitches over you. I'm pretty sure one more won't do any harm." She pulled her arm and ran back to the ride. "Oh my gosh." I say, getting up and walking out of the theme park. Soon I hear someone run out of the park and sit next to me. I turn and see Robert. I roll my eyes then turn my head. "Hey look. Im sorry. I know you just broke up with someone you love and it's hard for you right now. I shouldn't have done it. I'm so sorry Y/n." He said softly, making his voice quake at the end. I turned and looked up at him. "I couldn't dislike you. Never that. And I know you didn't mean it. No hard feelings." I smile. He smiles back and pushes a peice of hair behind my ear. I slightly bit my lip and looked in his eyes. "No hard feelings." He mumbled looking down at my lips. I pulled away and turned back to my orginal sitting spot. "I know your cute and all but I did just get out of a relationship with someone I still heavily care about. Sorry Robert." I got up and walked out of the park.

508 words


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