Chapter 12: Face time

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Me and Wyatt walk into his house, and go straight up to his room. "Oh hell no. Shit. Shit. Shit." I say under my breath, realizing I was the new gossip in the IT fandom. "What is it?" Wyatt asks, looking down at my phone. "The fandom is crazy. I'm being tagged in like a million posts, my follows and likes are going up and my entire account is going crazy." I panic. I'm not used to having my phone blow up, nor do I like it. It just stresses me out. "Babe. It's gonna be alright. If you want, I can post something to get then to stop." He suggests. "No. It's fine, that will just make it worse. I just have to deal with it." I state, taking a deep breath. "That's my girl, don't stress." He wispers into my hair, holding me close.

I decided to post on this account to explain everything. I snap a quick picture of me and Wyatt and start to explain what happened. After I finished I posted it, then my phone started to blow up with texts and face times from Netty. I answer. "Hey bitch, I haven't talked to you in years, how have you been?" She says. "Um omg it's been crazy, do you still live with my parents?" "Um yes why, and why did you leave me here, and oh yeah. I met Nick a couple days ago and he's so nice." "I left because my dad kicked me out for being with Wyatt. And I'm gonna meet Jack and the rest of the cast tommorow, you should come." "Okay, I'll ask Finn. And, is your insta blowing up too? Because mine is ever since I was on Finns story tagged as his girlfriend." "Mine is crazy too because of this ice cream parlor insicednt where Wyatt cursed out one of his fans for calling me a dog." "Oh shit, I think i seen that. I'll talk to you tommorow, bye hoe." "Bye bitch!" I say before clicking off. I can't wait to meet Jack and everyone else tommorow. But it might be a little weird, because at first I didn't like Wyatt. The same thing for Netty, she liked Jack. I liked one of the other losers. But I will never feel the same way about him. Ever. And to add onto all the stress, we have to take a plane tomorrow. I hate flights.

I fall asleep in Wyatt arms, per usual. Words cannot discribe how much he means to me. And I can't wait to tell everyone about us.

"Were only getting older baby, and I've been thinking about it lately"

459 words

Hey guys! Thank you soo much for over 1k reads. You guys are amazing. I'm sorry this chapter was so short. Byeee~ Kenzi

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