Chapter 26: Anniversary pt 1

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Your part

He sits up and looks at me. "Are you okay?" He asks me, looking into my eyes. "No I could have sworn I was in a argument with Netty and she said some things about my parents." I explained. "That never happened, or at least it did in a dream." He says, confused. "Wyatt, I swear. It happened. My throat still hurts from it." I begin to cry. "I'm sorry Y/n, but it's just your imagination." He walked over to me and hugged me. "I don't understand, whats wrong with me." I cried into his chest.

Netty walked out of her room and right past me and Wyatt. It was like we weren't even there. She opened up the door and walked out. I looked over at Wyatt. "I told you, that's why she's mad!" I exclaimed. "Y/n! How many times do I have to say it? You had a realistic dream and it wasn't real." He laughed. "Oh okay. It all just feels too real." I looked down at my hands. "Do you wanna do something to get your mind off of it?" He asked. "Not really, for some reason, all I wanna do is sleep. But I'll be up for it when I wake up." I lightly smile. "How about you go upstairs and sleep on our bed, it's so much better than the couch." He grabbed my hand and walked me up the stairs to our room. I walked over to the bed and climbed in. He began to walk away. "Wyatt," I began, causing him to turn around. "Yeah?" He asked. "I love you." He walked back over to me and kissed my lips. "I love you more, Y/n." He walked out and shut the door. When he was gone, I pulled out my phone. I went on to instagram to check my followers. 300k. Wow. In only 6 months, I gained over 299 thousand followers. I went to my snap memories and saw all the ones I had with Wyatt. There was one on the Faris wheel from the first day we met. I saved it to my gallery. I looked at the date and realized something. It was our 6 month anniversary from the day we met. I had to do something special. I snuck down the stairs and saw Wyatt leave, weird. He got into his mom's car outside and they drove off. I walked all the way down the stair's and slipped on my boots. I walked outside and saw Lilia pull in. "Hey Y/n! Where you going?" She asked, getting out the car. "I need to get a gift for Wyatt, it's our 6 month anniversary from the day we met." I explained. "Aww that's adorable! Do you need a ride somewhere?" She asked, patting my shoulder. "Uh yeah, thank you." I say, getting in the passenger seat of her black Jeep. "So where to?" She looks over at me. "I don't really know, do you have any ideas?" I ask her. "I have the perfect one." She smiles.

We pull into Walmart and she parks her car. "Come on, and bring your phone." She says, pulling me out of the car. We walk into the store and she brings me over to the printing station. "Print out your pictures with Wyatt." She explains. I hook my phone up to the printer and I print out 8 pictures. One on the Faris wheel, one in the car when I got kicked out, one in target on out first date, one from math class, one that Finn took of me and Wyatt hugging in front of the window in out room, one from when we went to go see midnight sun, one from the hospital, and one in the ice cream shop. "Now, we need a bunch of Wyatt favorite candys." We go over to the candy isle and get sour patch kids, and hershey kisses. "We need Wyatt favorite album." I went over to electronic's and grabbed a copy of Queen Sheer Heart Attack. "A soft blanket." I grab a big dark blue soft throw blanket. "And finally, a bunch of candles." I grab birthday cake and sugar cookie candals. "Now get markers and decorative boxes." I grab 5 pink boxes and a pack of sharpies.

We check out and go to the car. Lilia open's the trunk and gets the stuff out of the bags. "We're gonna make it here so when you get home you just give it to him." I put all the candies in one box, the pictures in another, the candles in there own, the blanket in the biggest box, and the album in the smallest box. "Now label them as senses." Lilia instruct's. They now are labeled; Taste, See, Smell, Feel, Hear. I get a sticky note and write; "because I love you with all my senses." And I stick it on the top box.

Lilia drives me back to the house. "Thank you, Lilia." I hug her. "It's no problem, your one of my best friends." She smiles. I get a text from Wyatt. "Where are you?"

I've had the longest, most tiring break ever. I miss the actual shit out of Mike and I can't do anything about it. But at least I'll see him tomorrow.

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