Chapter 15: Sophia

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I get in the car with Lilia and Netty and we pull off. "Where are we going?" Lilia asks. "I don't even know, I just didn't feel comfortable around the real life ship of Syatt." I say, upset. "It's fine. I'm positive Wyatt won't pick Sophia over you." Netty says, rubbing my back. "Well I'm not, but I hope so." I say, stressed out. We drive to a near-by Wendy's and we walk in. "What are you getting?" Netty asks me. "A burger and a drink." I said, wow was I basic. "Okay." She said, ordering what everyone had wanted. I went over to a table, close to a window and opened up my phone. wyattoleff started a live video. I taped on it and saw him and Sophia in the living room of our summer house. He was answering questions and I couldn't help but see all the comments stating that Syatt is real. I needed to put a end to it. I quickly typed into my phone, "Hi noodle brains, how fortnite." The comments start to say, y/n's here. Damn right. He looked down at the phone and he saw my comment. "Acually, I'm playing Mario Cart. Not fortnite, y/n." He said, grining as he finished. The comments go off with out ship name and hearts. I smile when I realized that I was his girlfriend, not Sophia. I type in my phone, "I love you, Wyatt." He sees it and responds with "I love you more." I stopped typing and clicked off my phone. Netty and Lilia walked up with our food and I grabbed my burger. "What were you doing that made you so happy?" Lilia asks, picking a fry. Before I could talk Netty did. "Probably looking at dick picks from Wyatt." I gasp and speak. "No! OMG not in a restaurant at least."  We share a laugh then I pick up my phone and went back on the live. I was reading the comments. Maybe Wyatt and Sophia could get together now that y/n's gone. I knew that Wyatt would say something to stop it, and he did. It just wasn't what I expected. "Maybe so." He said, turning twards a red Sophia. I wanted to die. I through down my phone and looked at Netty with tears in my eyes. "What happened." She asked, putting down her frosty. I just shook my head and weakly said, "Can we just get out of here." With that we left.

We get in the car. "Tell me what happened." Netty says. She sat in the back with me while Lilia drove. "Someone said something about him and Sophia being together and he agreed." I began to cry all over again. "Oh hell no. I'm gonna beat his ass, just you wait." Netty said, anger in her voice.  I could see that Lilia was a bit scared but she was on our team.

Soon we got there and I saw something I thought I would never see. Sophia and Wyatt were kissing. I dropped my drink and ran upstairs. Netty ran over in Wyatt's direction.

Lilias pov

I see y/n run upstairs then Netty run in the other room and jump on Wyatt. I run twards her. "YOU LITTLE DICK! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO Y/N! I'M GONNA FUCK YOU UP!" She yelled throughing punches in every direction. Finn runs over and rips Netty off of Wyatt. He had a couple bruises on his face and a scratch on his eye. "What the fuck, Wyatt!" I yell. I don't know what I would do if I caught Jaeden doing that. The room seemed to settle down, well at least Netty. Or so I thought. She ran and started to hit Sophia. "YOU STRAWBERRY SHORTCAKE ASS BITCH!" She yelled while pulling her short hair. "Netty!" Finn yelled, lungeing for her. He rapped his arms around her and pulled her off of him. She got up and stormed out of the room. Finn followed her out. It was left on a weird silence in the room so I walked up to y/n's room. Oh my god was she a mess.

701 words

Hey guys! This chapter was cut short due to me needing to give a real thank you for 2.43k reads, ilysm. And I have nothing against Soph I love her so much actually she just made for good drama bc of Syatt.  byeee~ Kenzi

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