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The past 2 months felt like her life is in a well drafted fairy tale that aiming for a happy ending. She never let a day passed by without smiling.Everyday she wrote a letter for her love one and even though she didn't get any replies from him in form of a letter from him, Carol said what Eric replied.

Eric was too busy to write a letter so, Carol volunteered to be his mouth instead. But , that's fine for Janice. As long as she can heard what Eric answered would be.

Everyday she waited for Carol to finished her class in order to hear his answer for her letter on that day. And every single answer from him was enough to make her melting even more even though Carol said it instead of Eric himself.

"What he said today?" Janice waited.
"He said he loves amusement park too." Carol said while unpacking her bags and cleaned her camera's lens.

Janice screamed in joy while squeezing her bunny soft toy. "Looks like we got a lot of similarities,right?"

"I thinks so.." Carol said lazily. 'Don't give too much hope, Janice.'

Janice woke up from her daydreaming when her snacks fell from her hand. She looked around the small mart to see if anyone had been watching her daydreaming too much. Luckily, the mart didn't received a lot of customers that evening.

Janice picked up the snacks again and smiled like an idiot. Janice walked to the counter and queue up behind two lovely girls from her Uni. How did she know? Because they were wearing name tag around their neck with the name of her Uni wrote on.

While waiting for her turn, she didn't purposely eavesdropping the two girls' conversation.

"Did you saw Eric and and a girl at the park just now?" the girl with purple skirt said.

"No.Who? Eric the popular guy with a girl?!! Oh my God! I got to posted it on my tweeter. Hashtag, Eric got a girl." the girl with red nails said and quickly dialing something in her phone.

"Yeah! That Eric. Who else?" The girl in purple skirt said in frustration. " They looked so friendly, like too friendly. Do you thinks the girl is his girlfriend?"
"Who's the lucky girl?"

"I'm not sure. But her name related to the sea..Coral?..i guess?"

'Owh! That girl! I don't know her name but i know her face. She's beautiful. She fits Eric well." The girl in pink nails said excitedly.

Janice started to feel uneasy that she didn't realized that it was her turn to pay.

Is it true that Carol is dating Eric? If it's true, then what's the point i'm sending Eric letters? Are they're making fun out of me?

Or Carol.........................( Janice shook her head side to side)
No,Janice! Carol is your friend! She won't do that to you. You must trust her.

"Miss?" the boy at the counter called.

"Sorry." Janice rushed to the counter and put all her snacks on the counter to be paid.


Janice unlocked the door of her dorm and pushed it opened. Then, she saw Carol with her laptop, studying her pics. A lot of things lingering in her mind, wanting to spill out thousands of questions to Carol, but her mouth won't let her do that.

Janice put all the snacks on the table at the corner of their room where they named it as snacks corner. Janice walked to her bed with her eyes won't stop from staring at Carol. Soon, she made it too obvious when Carol caught her staring.

"Is there anything you wanna say to me?" Carol asked, moving her eyes to Janice.

Janice, this is your chance! ask her! Janice's mind said.

"Nothing. It's just that you're so beautiful." Janice joked. She said the opposite from what her mind told her to.

"You're lying. I know you for ages. Come one...tell me." Carol voice change to a serious one.

Janice drown in Carol's serious eye, urging her to tell the truth. So, Janice inhaled deeply and exhaled forcefully.

"Is it true that you're dating Eric at the park?" Janice make the first move.

As the result, Carol looked a bit disbelief. "Wh..what?? How..how did you know?" Carol asked, somehow sounds worried.
"So, it's true?" Janice demanded for more info. She don't want to be in the middle of someones relationship. " Since when?"

Suddenly, Carol take her hand and linked with hers. " No, that's not true,Janice. It's just a group discussing. We got a project to be done. Apparently, Eric and i arrived early than the others for the discussion." Carol explained. But, Janice looked like didn't effected with her explanation. Is it obvious that she's lying?

"Do you know what we're talking about? About you!" Carol succeed on finding the perfect issue to tell Janice, to make her forget about just now. No other than about this.
"Really? Why? He asked about me? What did he said?" It's true after all. Janice changed from the curious one to a kid in just a flick of finger.

"He..he..he told me that you're interesting. I mean, your character. Yeah.." Carol said wearing the fake smile but also relief that she got to break the intense air just now.

While Carol celebrating her successful lies, Janice was smiling like crazy.

"This weekend, he..he wanted to meet you at THE CITY amusement park." Carol said with confident.

"Really? For real??!!" Janice got excited, but something was bothering her. " But, The City amusement park is too far from our Uni. I need to take the bus for hours!"

"Come on, Janice. Maybe this is your chance to confess to him. Moreover, from what i know, The City is very beautiful and lots of couples hang out there." Carol tried to convince.

"Lots of couples hang out there? Then, why would Eric wants to meet me there? Maybe he want.....AArhhghhh!!!" Janice suddenly screamed in joy plus shy. In her brain right now is that an imagination where Eric asks her to be his girlfriend with giant teddy bear in his hand.

Carol just watched Janice getting excited by herself.

I'm sorry, Janice. Just this time, let me be.

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