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        Carol had decided to stay at Nancy's room. Now, Janice was left alone, waiting for a new roommate. It's hurt tho, to handle a situation when you lost  your friend just in a second and just because of a man.

      Every time she wanted to get closer to Carol, she seems like to build a wall in between them. Carol neglected her completely like she never knew who Janice was. Every day passed until a months. Janice getting tired of chasing Carol who didn't want to see any single strand of her hair, not to mention to show herself right in front of her. Carol looked so pissed of every time Janice tried to block her way.

      And now, Janice stopped on following Carol around. Janice was afraid that Carol will feel squeamish to see her around everyday.

      Plus, Carol gathered a lot of attention with her well- known elegant fashion, and created a lot more new friends. Mostly from the Fashion Course's students, asking her how to look beautiful as she is.

      How did Janice knew about it?
It's not confirmed yet, but it's looks like Carol tried to make friends with students who are same course with me...............leave me with no one.

      "Carol? Can you stopped ignoring me and let's talk about it in the right way. Let's grabbed a coffee or anything you want. I'll pay." Janice kept following Carol from behind. Carol was quite a fast walker she guess, that she can't walk ahead or side to side with Carol.

      " Carol,please. Give me a chance to make you happy. To pay all the debts i owe you." This time Janice managed to grabbed Carol's hand and pulled her to stop from running away.

      "You used to sacrifice to help me,right? So please tell me how can i help you find your happiness too." Janice asked quite firm.

      Carol pulled her hand out of Janice's roughly and said arrogantly, " The only way you can see me happy are to stay away from me and never budge your head in my way of making Eric fall in love with me!!!" Carol continued. " I don't even need a help from you, betrayer!!"

      Carol walked away leaving Janice frozen with her words heading to her other elite friends waiting for her at the park.

      Betrayer. She called me betrayer. I wonder why for a moment. Thinking on reason why i deserve it.
      Then I realised, she thought i snatched Eric from her even though  I'm her best friend. She felt betrayed . That's the story,right Carol?

      A knock from the door woke her up from her daydream land. Janice quickly keep the photo frame of her and Carol in front of their University taken on the first day they stepped in the Jose Wickham University back to her drawer.

      Janice quickly opened the door to greet her new roommate.

      "Hi! Please welcome." Janice welcomed the cute girl in front of her. She looks like a junior here. Janice thought to herself.
       "Hi, my name is Yewon, from Korea. Student Exchange Programme. I'm still in my first year. Please take a good care of me." The cute girl formally greet Janice by bowing 90 degree, the usual korean practice when it comes to greet the elders.

      Janice got a little bit awkward but then offered the girl named Yewon touring around the room a little bit.

      "You're so nice Janice noona." Yewon said while unpacking her clothes and her other paraphernalia.

      "You're cute,then. Korean girls always wear something cute, right?" Janice asked to loosen up the awkwardness between them.

      "Ahh, that's not really true. My best friend love to wear tomboyish look even though she is a girl. She's not cute at all but of course she got her own charms in her way." Yewon said bragging about her best friend.

      "You.... you have best friend here?" Janice asked, with her eyes filled with sorrow. The word 'Best friend' somehow is a sensitive word for her now.

      "Yeah! We even planned to get to the same University. We also created our journey too, that i'll be majoring in Interior Design while she's going to take Architecture so that we can work together. She create the house and i'll create the interior design." Yewon said happily and handing Janice a picture of her with her best friend mentioned.

     "Her name is SinB, by the way. It's just her own created name, she thinks that SinB sounds cooler than Eunbi, her real name. Hahah! She's so funny, don't you think so?" Yewon said and asked.

      "I bet she is." Janice said throwing Yewon her sincere smile.

      They're just like me and Carol. I'll be a fashion designer to design clothes and Coral promised to be my photographer. That's how we promised to work together. But it's all just a plan now. Not gonna proceed anymore.

     Janice yearn to reminisce her old memory when she and Carol just finished their high school.

      "Your best friend must be really nice to you,right? Just make sure that you don't upset her, okay? Keep her by your side, and make her happy." Janice said without her realization while gave the pic back to Yewon and patted her shoulder lightly before climbed onto her bed.

      Leaving Yewon baffled. Janice wrapped herself with her blanket, hiding her face from Yewon. She knew it's not a good manner with your new roommate, but she can't help but to cry every time she talked or mentioned about 'friend'.

      Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

      "Janice noona, if you feel lonely, i'm here for you." Yewon said.


      The next morning, Janice had made her biggest decision ever. She wanted to help Carol chasing her first love. But, first she needs to know what Eric think about Carol.

      Janice just finished her class and soon heading to the cafe, where Eric usually be to spend his leisure time by listening to musics.

     And she's always right. Eric was there.

     She walked getting closer with no more nervous feeling inside of her. Because she knows, Eric shouldn't be hers. He's Carol's happiness. And her job now, is to make sure Carol's efforts are gonna worth it.

      "Eric, can we talk for a moment?" Janice said .

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