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      Feeling so annoyed and jealous, Carol couldn't take her eyes off Janice and Eric at the café. She knew it that Janice won't let her life in peace with Eric since Janice might want to take revenge on her.

      Seeing Janice walked out from the café,she quickly walked closer to Janice and waited for the right timing to pulled her out from others attention.

      Satisfied with where they were now, Carol snapped Janice wrist roughly and stood in front of her boldly.

      Janice caressed her wrist which showed some light red bruise, maybe because of Carol's grip was too tight. Well, she can't control her anger anymore.

       "What the hell are you talking about with Eric? You tried to win his heart before me,right?" Carol said without hesitation.
      "Carol! Mind your language!" Janice yelled. Feeling disappointed towards 'the new Carol'

      "I'm not like what you're thinking !I'm not going to snatch Eric from you anymore! I promised." Janice said while bringing one of her palm up on the air, like she's going to read a pledge. Carol put on relieve look on her face when Janice did that, thinking that Janice really mean her words.

      Janice continued. "But instead I'm trying to help you."

      "What did i say before about poking your head into my life?" Carol said sarcastically.
"I told you I don't need your help! So stop what ever you're intend on doing." Carol can feel her blood start to boil once again.

      "But you got to listen to me this time." Janice said, bravely grabbing and holding gently both of Carol's hands.

      "Eric is not interested about a serious relationship. He puts his passion on photography art more than anything." Janice continued explaining. "He want to accomplish his brother's dream."

      "So,what? I just need to wait for him to reach his dream." Carol feels confident.
"But he thinks of you not more than just his friend. He don't love you as much as you do!"


Pain can be felt at her right cheek, when her blood start running under her skin so fast. Janice hold her right cheek and moved her eyes to Carol who was breathing heavily.

"You...you slapped me?" Janice got teary. Since she befriended with Carol in orphanage, she never hurt her. Until this unexpected day.

"Because you deserve it! I trusted you about Eric aiming for his dream, but as for the second thing, i know that you're lying!" Carol said with her index finger pointing right to Janice's nose.
"You lied to me so that i will stop chasing Eric,right!? So that I'm not going to be on your way to flirt with Eric! Stop acting like you're so nice to help me!" Carol said without thinking twice. She didn't realised that her every single words were hurting Janice.

" But i'm telling you the truth!" Janice begged for Carol to believe her.
"He told me."

"Why did you ask? You're making it obvious that i'm keeping some feelings towards him! You're trying to make Eric uncomfortable around me,right?" Carol didn't stop.
"I know it that you're envy of us. So you're trying to make things up so that i'll leave Eric. Am i right Miss Janice!!"

"No! That's not true. Look, he told me by himself that he...he.. he didn't like it to build serious relationship with..with his.. his friends..He.." Janice said sobbing when Carol refused her touch.

"Stop it Janice. I won't believe you. You're a liar! We shouldn't know each other from the start!" Carol spun around and walked away.

"Why you're different, Carol? You're not like Carol that i know. I want my Carol back."Janice sobbed from behind. " Does this friendship hurting you since it's begin?

Carol stopped her steps. Without facing Janice, she answered,
"The old Carol is dead." She stopped for a moment,inhaling and exhaling before she continued. "Because of you. And your stupid friendship thing!"


Janice's mind flew around thinking bout lots of things that had been muddled up inside of her mind. Her aching heart every moments she remembered Carol's face got worsened because it's reminded her of Carol's words.

She had abandoned me from her life. I'm no more her best friend. It's all my fault! It happened because of my selfishness. I didn't take a good care of her heart, her life, her happiness. Am i hurting her all this while? Am i facing ....a karma?

"Janice!!! Watch out!!!!!" A familiar voice screamed her name from behind.

Janice spun her body towards the voice, but she tripped. She can feel her body falling and aiming for the painful impact. Worsen the situation, she saw a mini waterfall behind her with rocks around the edges.

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