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Trying to help Arthur with his social skills, Janice has been watching Arthur all the time from afar. Thankfully, Arthur and Eric are good friends. So, where Eric would be, there must be Carol too. Those three always hang out together for the past 3 months.

At the first, Arthur looked so nervous to get into the conversation in between Eric and Carol, but after received some encouragements and supporting words from Janice,Yewon and SinB especially, Arthur has become more and more brave to join their chat.

Janice also didn't has to help much anymore. She just need to be around and watch him so that Arthur did not make anything stupid like Carol's dislikes. Arthur once told her that she didn't has to force herself to always be there anymore because he afraid that it will disturb Janice's concentration towards the Final Project before graduation. But Janice insists too. Not because she still want to help Arthur with his social skills, but to watch Carol's face one last time before they choose their own path of life after graduation.

Yes, everyone same age as Janice and Carol received a Final Project to be done excellently so that they will be qualified to graduate. Everyone in the Uni now focusing on their project.

It's two in the evening, Janice just finished her class and her throat was screaming for some cold beverage. Janice bought a lemon tea drink from the vending machine and began looking for a seat at the park so that she can continued designing her clothes again.

Suddenly, her eyes caught on 3 students who were busy studying under the shady tree at the corner of the park. Maybe they don't want to be disturbed so that's why they chose a place that is a little bit hidden.

It's Arthur, Eric and Carol discussing about their project. Realizing that there is an empty seat with a concrete table not far from them, Janice walked to the seat mentioned. She placed her lemon tea on the table followed by her files of her designs. Eric and Carol were facing their back towards her but Arthur can steal some glances towards Janice.

Noticed that his friend,Janice was just near him, he gave a quick smile. Janice just smiled back but then suddenly Carol looked back and caught her smiling like a crazy.

Oh no! Carol might think i want to seduce Eric. I'm dead! Janice mumbled herself and began flipping her files one by one, ignoring Carol's gaze.

Luckily, it's looks like Carol just shrugged it off.

Janice let out a sigh of relief and put all her focus on her project. Didn't dare to look at them anymore. She don't want all her and Arthur's effort went for nothing.

Thinking about it, Janice slowly began thinking about how it'll be if Arthur really made it to get into Carol's heart. Will Arthur forget her as his friend? Or should she leave them alone and never show any strand of hair of hers anymore? Will she be ready to hide and buried her love towards Arthur deep in her heart? And began the new chapter of her life like she promised?

If i confessed to him, will he accept me? NO!! Janice!! What are you even thinking on doing? You're gonna do it again? Snatching away Carol's happiness? No Janice, don't!!

Janice monologue herself fighting with her mind and her heart.


...Hours passed...

Suddenly Carol pulled a chair near Janice and slammed hard her files in front of her, causing Janice to shocked a bit. With Carol's face full with anger, Janice knew something might gone wrong.

"What's wrong with you?" Janice asked acting like she bewildered with Carol's sudden attack.

"I'm the one who should ask you that question! "Carol continued. " You're still aiming for Eric,right?" Carol said while pointing out her index finger right in front of Janice's nose.

Feeling irritated, Janice moved away Carol's rude index finger from her face and bravely answered.
"I'm not,Carol. I'm not going to chase a man who never think about marriage. Such a waste for my life!" Janice said looking straight into Carol's eyes. Carol didn't fight back with words, but with her eyes filled with summonses look.

There was an intense air between them when neither of them spoke for the past 2 minutes.

"So, that's why you let Arthur the dork become your doll? So that you can marry him when no one ask for your hand,right?" Carol mock. " Poor Arthur, he's being fooled by an evil like you!" Carol said laying her back against the chair and crossed her arms.

Like she just ate the spiciest pepper in the world, Janice blood began to increase it's temperature.

"Don't you dare to insult Arthur like that! He's a good man! Not like what you think!" Janice slammed hard her fist on the table. "You should be glad that he like you! Not like Eric!" Janice didn't realise that she just spitted out their secret.

       "What?? He like me??!!" Carol gasped feeling disbelief while Janice gulping her saliva of regret.

         "Owh, now I understand why he always so talkative with me. But sorry, I thought a nerdy like him should be forever alone. I admit that he changed a lot at the outer, but i know, inside of him stupidity nerd still there. "Carol scoffed, moving her long hair to her back like a diva, and rolled her eyes like she's disgusted.
         "Mind your words Carol!" Janice said , hearing anyone insulting or badmouthing about Arthur make her temper uncontrollable.

        "Stop acting like you're so nice Janice! I know it's just your plan to make me forget Eric,right?" Carol continued. "It won't work. But still, thank you for introducing me to your dumb Arthur. Since he likes me so bad, maybe i can...." Carol smirked.

       "What do you mean? What are you gonna do?" Janice tried to figure out Carol's real intention. Since the day she betrayed her, Janice has lost her trust towards Carol, she need to know every detail if Carol want to interrupt her life and people around her.

       "Seems like you love him ,right?owhh... so sad,.." Carol formed a pouting lips, trying to test Janice's patience.

        And unfortunately for Janice, Carol succeed. "Yes!! I admit it that i love him. But he loves you." Janice's voice pick another high pitch.

        "Record that. Hahah!" Without her realisation, Carol actually recorded all that in her phone.

        "What?!! Carol!! Delete that!!" Janice tried to grab Carol's phone but she moved her hands up in the air.

       In the chaos of pulling , grabbing and pushing......


         Janice's lemon tea spilled ,

         On Carol's files of her Final Project.

          "Janice!!! What have you done!!!" Carol screamed quite loud that Eric and Arthur who just came back from buying some snacks heard her and quickly ran to Janice and Carol.

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