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         The sound of glass kitchen utensils clinking together make the morning more alive. Thus, the sound of the eggs sizzling in the frying pan spread delicious aroma in the thin chilly air inside of the house. The see through window located just in front of the stove make it more enjoyable to cook as she can see the garden they planted flowers growing beautifully and colorful as her view.

          3 years has passed, living with the girls however healed her wounded heart as the time goes by. She feels like the part of both family as SinB's and Yewon's parents treat her well like she's no more stranger, but like a biological sister to both Yewon and SinB. SinB only got brothers and Yewon is an only child. Now, she understand why both of them are so nice towards her.

          Sometimes, she would reminisce back her memories in the University. And when she did that, no other than Arthur came to her mind. She wonder how's he with Carol now. Are they happy? Are they gonna married soon? How's Eric? Did he succeed on becoming a successful nature photographer like his brother dreamed to be?Overall, are they happy there?

         The screaming kettle bring her back to her chores of cooking after admiring the beautiful of the house garden and thinking too much. She picked up the hot kettle using thick cloth and poured the boiling water in a cute teapot where she already put the ingredients to make tea.

        She served the breakfast in equal amount in three plates and poured the tea to each cup. Satisfied with her work, she nodded slightly and called for the girls.

       "Girls! SinB! Yewon! Let's breakfast!" She screamed and pulled a chair for herself to sit. A moment later, SinB showed up first, fully dressed up in a work attire with her long drawing tube where she keeps her plans.

       "WoW! The usual breakfast....so delicious." SinB praise but sounds more to sarcastic as she lazily pulled the chair and make a disappointed face where you can tie her lower lip.

       "Just eat it, will you?" Janice warned. But she don't deny it, scrambled egg and toast with strawberry jam or peanut butter as the spread are her simplest breakfast she ever made. Since it quick to be done, they got to go to work early.

        "Where's Yewon?" Janice asked, realizing the empty seat beside SinB.
        "Urm,...erm...she's..she's with her phone. You know, when she got hooked up with it,.." SinB sounds a bit stuttered in her words, and Janice noticed it.
        "Can you passed me the peanut butter?" SinB tried to break Janice's sharp gaze.

        "Guys,.." speak of the devil, Yewon finally showed up with her phone in her hand. But her face somehow looked different, like something bad happened.

        "What's wrong,Yewon? You looked troubled." Janice asked, handing out a glass of plain water to Yewon.
        "I don't know, it's not the best time to say this but........Janice noona, i got a bad news." Yewon hold her phone tightly like how hard she was to spitted out the news she got from her friend in her old University when she involved in student exchange program.

       "What happened?" SinB asked gulping down her tea to clear her throat after eating the sweet peanut butter on toast.

        Yewon looked to Janice, then to SinB and back to Janice again. "It's about Carol." she said.

        "Janice unnie, do you know that Carol diagnosis with cancer?Since,...she 17 years old.The cancer attacked her left kidney and after she reached stage 4, she was sent to the hospital.Her health got worse....the day after we departed here, the day after her birthday. 3 years ago." Yewon stopped for a while.

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