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"Sure." Eric said as he was fixing his seat and giving some space for Janice to sit beside him.

Janice looked around and caught some people ,mostly girls staring and giving her that dirty judging look. To avoid that kind of discomfortable attention, Janice had decided.

"Let's go to the café. You have too much fans here." Janice continued. "They gazing at me  like i'm gonna kidnap you."

Feeling disbelief, Eric looked around and did caught couples of girl groups waving at him. Not wanting to be rude, Eric waved back.

"Fans? I never thought that i have fans here." Eric said picking up his bag from the ground.
"You don't know?" Janice asked like she couldn't believe that Eric know nothing about his popularity among girls.
"What? Fans? Why i deserve it?" Eric asked back.

Eric, you're boyfriend material, that's the reason why. Janice spoke to her brain, where she's the only one who can hear it.

"So, let's go. Shall we?" Eric said so while making a way for Janice to go first. Well, ladies first,right?

Janice shrugged it off and head to the café mentioned.


Janice hold tight her cup of hot mocha still trying to figure out how to ask Eric without being too obvious.

"So, why do you want to meet me so bad?" Eric asked first since Janice didn't showed any sign of starting the conversation, even though she's the one who asked him to be at the café.

Startled by Eric's question, Janice spilled some of the mocha, but gladly it's just her fingers involved.

"Well, how's Carol now?" Janice asked while cleaning her fingers using tissue prepared on the table. "I mean, is there any progress about her skills or something?"

"She's doing good so far. I can see improvements but still caught something off in her pics,tho." Eric explained like pro.

"Bet you guys are doing great." Janice said while smiling.
"You guys?" Eric puzzled even tho it's simple.
"Well, you told me that you want to.."

Janice stopped from continuing her sentences when suddenly a girl, probably her junior passed by and leave a cute envelope on her table, more specifically, just in front of Eric.

The girl took a glanced at Eric shyly, but it's obvious.
I looked at the girl, then at the envelope and to Eric.

Eric lifted his shoulders, as to tell Janice ' I don't know why too.'

"I think you should open the letter first. The girl just now may be anticipating for your reaction." Janice said so, as she saw the junior took a seat just two tables away from them. Watching Eric from a far like he is a treasure.

She should stop making it too obvious. It's too embarrassing.
Wait! Am i acting like her too when i WAS in crush with him? Does anyone noticed me?
Oh no! Janice! Stop talking nonsense. You're like her too. Sending love letter. But the difference was that mine didn't reach Eric. Not even one.

Eric opened the envelope and read the letter. A moment past and Eric just scoffed.

"Why?" Janice asked, curious to know too.
"It's just.... confessing thingy.." Eric said with his right eye brow lifted.

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