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      "What are you doing with my box?!!" Carol who just finished her class feeling more stressed out when Janice disturb her private thingy, but what she's more afraid now, is that Janice knew everything.

      "You want to ask me what i'm doing with your box or you wanna explain what's inside of it?" Janice asked with anger filled inside of her. But she can't really expressed it well because the feeling that conquer her now is sorrow. What happens to her one and only friend that she willing to lie to her? What is her fault to be treated like so? What happens to the promise they created to protect their friendship?

      Janice tried to hold back her tears. But a few drops of her tears flooding at the corner of her eyes.

       Carol tried to snatch her box from Janice but Janice was faster when she quickly brought the box behind her and stood up tall.

       "Give it back!!" Carol demanded, like she made nothing wrong.

       Feeling challenged, Janice take out the whole letters inside of it and threw the red box away. She showed the clutched paper inside of her grip to Carol.

      "Can you explain?" Janice asked feeling heavy in her heart. " Why my letters are here? Why it didn't make it to Eric? Why did you lied to me about the amusement park!" Janice yelled a little bit at the end of her sentences.

      Suddenly, Carol grabbed all the letters from Janice hand like a flash and tear them apart, each of them and threw them to the air.

      "These will never make it to Eric!!!" Carol said while throwing the remaining letters left in her hand.  "NEVER!!" Carol yelled.

      Janice couldn't hold her tears any longer. Soon, they poured out, creating tears marks on her cheeks.

       "But,why?? I thought you wanna help" Janice continued,"Why gave me hope when you didn't want to help me?"
        " Because i'm tired! I'm tired from all of these sacrifices!" Carol voice out her deep well- buried dissatisfaction that she's been keeping all of this time, since the beginning.

       Janice waited for further explanation, she didn't even have any courage left inside of her to ask more. She's completely mental breakdown.

      "Since the beginning, everyone at the Orphanage love you! While i'm the unlucky girl there. Yes, i'm glad that you accepted me to be your best friend.You pulled me out from that misery world of isolation of mine. I wanna say thank you so much, Janice." Carol stopped for a moment before continued while slowly grabbed and hold both of Janice's hand in hers gently.

And Carol was crying as well. Janice hope that will be tears of her regret. But will she?..

      "But i'm tired of sacrificing my life just to make you happy befriend with me. I gave you everything. Everything of mine! Since we were kids and until now!" Carol suddenly snapped Janice hands and make her way to her bed, sitting on it while crying.

      "What do you mean?" Janice asked sobbed.

      "See? You don't even noticed my sacrifices towards you,right?" Carol said sarcastically. Carol stood up and began to walk around Janice.
      "I thought my life would get better if i had you by my side. I always imagine that we will helped, take care of each other's heart and be the best best friend ever." Carol continued.

"But what i'm feeling right now is just you're using me for your own happiness. You're using me like i'm your dog! You never care about me!"Carol said mockingly, but it didn't stopped here.

      " And now, you're asking me to help you to start your 'couple-life' with my crush?! I've been liking him since the first time i met him, and that is practically one year ago until now. But here you are, making your first step ahead me even though you just know him for only 6 months?? Sounds fair?"

      " Why you didn't tell me earlier, then?Why did you make me believe of this unfounded hope?" this time, Janice gathered up her courage to ask. Now she knew that Carol also crushed on Eric. If Carol had told her earlier, she would not bothered to like Eric too. She's not that kind of girl or friend.

      " Because i don't want you to get disappointed and you'll repeat the history of isolation in my life." Carol said sobbing.

      "Why would you said that?" Janice asked.

      "Who would like to befriend with your own opponent?You'll leave me, right?"  Carol said suddenly out from frustration.
      "No, i'm not." Janice slowly trying to grab and caress Carol's hand but Carol moved away like she was disgusted with her.

      "Yes, you will." Carol said.
      "No, I'm not going to leave you! Perhaps , i will help you." Janice said, kind of begging Carol. But Carol just smirked .
      "Janice,... will you help a friend who just lied to you?" Carol left Janice silent with her question.

        Looking at Janice transformed into a statue, Carol created her own thought of what Janice answer would be. 

She will not help me. I knew it. I'm sorry i lied to you, Janice. I'm terribly sorry. But I don't found any other way. I'm tired of taking care of your heart while mine is totally broken. I deserve to be happy too, and i found it in Eric.I'm sorry..... I won't let you ruined everything.
     I don't think i can look at your face anymore. You reminded me for my mistake. Carol mumbled herself only just in her brain.

She knew she should have told these to Janice, but Carol was thinking too much things that made her can't decide what she should do first.

      But Janice was not like what Carol was thinking she is, she went silent because she couldn't believe what Carol had said to her. And she don't know what to do to soften Carol's heart. Carol has being adorned by her uncertain love. If Carol had told her earlier, she would just back off.

      Carol walked to her closet and began packing up her clothes. Janice felt panicked and quickly trying to stop her.

      "What are you doing, Carol?" She asked.
      "I'm sorry. I can't live with you anymore." Carol answered coldly but sounds sad.

      "But, why? Please, you don't have to leave me.... don't worry, i'll stop liking Eric. He can be fully yours. Just please don't break our friendship.Please." Janice begged.

      "That's your real intention,right?  Let me stayed with you, you're giving up on chasing Eric and make me feels guilty everyday i see your face." Carol said mockingly.

      Janice couldn't stop her tears when Carol in front of her right now was not like the Carol that she knew anymore. Carol in front of her now is more cold, hard- hearten, and act like a stranger towards her.

       Carol walked to the door with her luggage. She spun her body to face Janice...

      ""I had sacrificed a lot for you.. i'm sorry but i'm not giving up anymore... even though it'll crack our friendship. Just this time, let me reach my happiness too. From now on, i thinks of you as my rival. "

      With that, Carol walked out from the room, leaving Janice crying her heart out.

      Accepting the fact that she's being betrayed by her own best friend is indeed hard for her. Carol Camilson that she loves with all her heart double-crossed the trust given to her.
Is it her fault to not noticed Carol's sacrifices from the beginning?

      Will Carol still worth it to define 'Best Friend'? Or, is it her herself who didn't deserved the title?

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