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Arthur stared at Janice with his eyes full of hope.

Carol? What's with her? Janice asked herself, without letting her eyes spilled any drop of tears anymore. She has to keep herself strong until her debt paid. Only then she will slowly start over her life with whole new chapter. Finding new friends and maybe with new environment.


Janice's iPhone suddenly vibrated, stopping the intense gaze between Janice and Arthur. Feeling so irritated with the vibration, Janice pulled out his iPhone out of her back pocket. She didn't bring any handbag along cause she think handing over his jacket will just need 5 to 10 minutes only.

'Yewon Roommate' popped out on her screen. Ignoring Arthur who tried to know who is calling, Janice swipe her telephone to the green icon, to pick up the call.

"Yes,Yewon?" Janice asked first, walking away from Arthur. She didn't like it when someone eavesdropping her conversation.

"Janice-noona? Can you drive?" Yewon's voice mixed with a hint of worry.
"Yes. Why?" She answered , also starting to sounds uneasy.
"Oh, that's great! Can you come at the nearest Donut Cream here? Janice-noona know where it is,right?" Yewon somehow felt relief.
"Yeah, I know. Why? What's wrong?" Janice cared.
"Well, SinB and i went to Donut Cream for some sweet stuffs, but SinB suddenly feel sharp pain in her abdomen. I don't know how to drive, because usually she's the one who drive." Yewon continued. "But I think she cannot drive,now."

"It's okay. I'll be there . Wait a little bit,okay?" Janice said and hung up the call.

She went back to Arthur who was waiting patiently at their table.
      "I'm sorry,Arthur. But can we talk other time. I got to go. I'm sorry, once again." Janice said in hurry and rushed out from the café.


      Yewon wrapped her arm with SinB's to help her with support to walk after her gastric attacked. Luckily it wasn't that serious.

      "I'm sorry if i troubling you to grab the taxi to get here." Yewon apologised. Feeling guilty towards Janice.
      "Nah, it's totally fine. You two once help me. So, it's time for me to turn the table,right?" Janice smiled sweetly and ruffled Yewon's dark black hair. Treating like she's her biological younger sister.

      Janice excused herself to pay for the medicine which she insisted of paying. With that, they headed back to their Uni.

      "Tomorrow is 14th of Feb, right?" Yewon who sat at the back seat with SinB started a topic.
      "Yeah, i think so." Janice answered , eyes still locked on the highway. Sometimes, straight road make her feel sleepy. That's why she needs to be careful.

       "So,what?" SinB , who was quiet along the journey asked lazily.
        "So,.... it's Valentine Day. Don't you get it SinB?" Yewon pinched SinB's arm gently, disappointed with her respond.

       "So, you guys got a boyfriend already?" Janice tried to joke around.
       "Not yet, Janice noona. Men here are soo hard to date with." Yewon yawned a little bit after finishing her words.
        "Yeah, tomorrow gotta be a boring day." SinB continued. " We're planning to hang out tomorrow, since we don't have classes. Wanna tag along , Janice-noona?" SinB offered.

        "I don't think Janice will come along." Yewon said , smiling childishly. " Janice-noona has a boyfriend. It's Arthur,right?"

       Janice eyes got widened. "What?! No!...he...he's not my boyfriend." Janice said stuttered, suddenly feeling like millions of butterflies migrating into her stomach.

      Owh! Butterflies, how you can fit in there?!! Get out!!

       Janice started a war between herself again. She can't brain why she should be nervous when she or anyone speaking of Arthur. Especially when the topic just involved the two of them.

      "Relax, Janice-noona. We're just guessing." Yewon moved her fingers from up to down, like trying to tell Janice to calm down.

     "Or,.. it is real that's something going on between you and him. That's why you got nervous,right?" This time, SinB attacked with moths.
       "Can you two stop. I try to focus on the road now." Janice tried to be a little firmer. "I  don't have any classes for tomorrow too. So,let's hang out together!! I drive!" Janice tried to change the topic.

       Yewon and SinB screamed in joy, excited for tomorrow!

       "Sorry for just now." SinB make a peace deal. Well, who don't want a driver for one whole day for free?

      "I just spitted it out because i can see your cheeks were blushing hard just now. I thought you and that Senior..." SinB stopped when suddenly Yewon's stomach growled. Janice heard it too.

       "Urmm.... can we stopped at convenience store for a snacks?"

       Three of them burst into laugh with Yewon cuteness.

        Am i already writing the first chapter of my life?


       It's 10 'o' clock in the morning and Janice had just finished her class. Feeling so thirsty, Janice head to the vending machine to gulp on some warm water. When you're thirsty, plain water is the best option.

       Janice pressed the button of her choice after inserting the money and wait for it to drop.

      Janice was about to take her drink when suddenly a loud bump hit the back of the vending machine. Janice got  startled but luckily she was able to control her dolphin scream from breaking the glass of the vending machine.

      Janice heard voices from behind the vending machine where she was standing in front of with.

      Her curiosity had beaten her scaredy-cat character when she slowly walked closer to the voice and peeked. There, she saw a group of men in leather jacket aiming for a one tall man in front of them. She couldn't see the one tall man's face who was standing alone in front of the group as he was facing his back towards Janice.

       "You think you deserve Carol? Hahah! What a joke!" The man with bald head, probably the leader suddenly grabbed the collar of the man in front of him, which Janice bet was his target, or soon gonna be their victim of bully.

      What should i do? The guy is in dangerous! Where are all the other students???!!! He need help!!

       Janice dumbly decided to just keep on witnessing. She thought maybe she can help with explaining the real situation if the guy who was the victim gonna report it to the police. She will be ready to be the witness!

      One of the man with a red cap on walked out from the group and snatched a bouquet of flowers from their target's hand, and threw it hard on the ground. More cruelly, he stepped on it few times, causing the flowers covered in dirt.

      The victim tried to grab it back when suddenly the bald man pulled him back and pushed him full with force until he fell on the ground.

When the victim tried to stand up once again, he turned around slightly and....

       Janice gasped when she saw the victim's face.



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