Kickthestickz-Movie Night

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Pj's POV

I've been living with Chris for a while now and I've loved him since the start. His pretty grey eyes, his beautiful brown hair, his personality. And tonight is the night I shall share my feelings! With movies! Sure. 

"Chris?" I shout through the house. 

"What is it Peej?" He responds. 

"Wanna watch the whole star wars trilogy?" I listen for a response when I hear racing footsteps and Chris basically jumping into the room. 

"YES! YES! YES! YES!" He screamed and flopped down onto the couch. 

"Haha! Ok, ok. So a soft maybe." I joked as he laughed with me. "Get the first movie going then! I'll get the nom-noms." He  nods and puts A new hope in. I pour popcorn into a bowl and sat down next to him in the couch. We got halfway through the second one before I had to make it awkward. I put my arm around him. Yeah, not my best move, but he seemed into it and melted into my side. A little while later I paused the movie and stared him in the eyes. 

"Uhh, Peej, love. What  are you doing?" But before anything else happened I smashed my lips into his and to my surprise he kissed back, wrapping his arms around my neck. I moved him onto my lap without breaking the kiss once. I learned that one from when Dan and Phil tried to teach me how to win Chris over. Yeah, it just turned into a makeout session with Phil straddling Dan.  I left soon after. But I did learn something. He broke away first. "Finally." He mutters and for the first time in a while, I was truly happy.



Have a great day angels!


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