Larry- I hate management

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Louis' POV

Ok I'll admit it. I hate Eleanor. Ok well not hate her. I hate being in a relationship with her. To be honest, she's a great person, we're good friends. But I'm gay. I've been gay since high school, been in love with my soulmate since 2010, and been hiding it for 7 years.  So I guess I should rephrase myself. I hate Modest!. So as I sit here on the ground of our bathroom, crying, I realize that I just need to make it a few more days until we get to come out. 

"Louis, honey, where are you?" I hear my husband's sweet voice. I quickly jump up and splash myself in the face with water. I look at my self, eyes red and dull from lack of sleep, fringe  messy, and face tear stained. I hear his foot steps get closer to the bathroom and I give up all hope of trying to play it off as I wasn't sleeping or that I was crying and just leaned my head into my arms on the vanity. "Lou-." He starts as he knocks on the door. I grunt as a confirmation that he can come in. "What's going on, love?" He comes closer to me, not lifting my head from my arms whilst letting a few tears slip. 

"N-nothing." I whisper. He grabs my arm and pulls me up.

"Well it's not nothing or else you wouldn't be crying would you, love?" He says softly, pulling me into a tight hug. "Tell me what's up." 

"I-I hate management." I sob into his chest, as he softly rubs my back. 

"I know, I do too. But we kinda just have to deal with it, you know. It's ok, we'll pull through." He reassures. He pulls away and leads me into our bedroom and lies down, taking me down on top of him. We both giggle as we fall. I place my head on his chest exhausted from crying and no sleep.  "Go to sleep, baby. I know you haven't been sleeping. Trust me." I nod and let my eyes close before he's says one last thing. "I love you so, so, so much. Don't forget that." 

"I love you to the end of the universe, Hazza."I utter before falling asleep. 


Have a great day angels, and don't forget to suggest your favorite ships!


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