Chapter 1.

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Hey guys before you all start reading this i would just like you all to know that while i was writing it I got extremely busy halfway through with exams and such and tbh it just majorly sucks so it's currently going through some extreme editing,

toodles, Shan xx

**Emelie's P.O.V**

"It's okay, I understand" I say into the phone, trying to hide the rejection in my voice, and failing miserably.

My boyfriend, Mathew, cancelled our date again. Apparently a his cousin has come to town and he has to keep her company or something. I was getting tired of his excuses, we havn't seen each other in forever and it's beginning to look as if he doesn't even care about me at all anymore.

I look around to see if there's anything I can do to take my mind of him. I've just finished re-decorating my living room, the colour has been changed from a dull cream colour to a vibrant red giving the room a bit of life. I also threw out the old furniture in exchange for a lovely black leather sofa facing the television that's mounted above the open fireplace. Personally i think it's a bit excessive but since my parents are both constantly criticising the place I decided why not? They paid for the whole thing anyways so whatever. Its not as if they care what I do with their money, they don't take notice to me in the slightest. It took them TWO whole weeks to notice i had moved out from their house, TWO WEEKS. Even when they did notice they didn't care. Ugh, another thing that i need to get off my mind.

After ten minutes of just sitting there staring at the wall I decided to watch a movie, The Hangover. When I was settled down on the sofa wrapped in my favourite blanket, my phone rang, the name "Suziee" flashed across the screen and I immediately felt better, it's as if she always knew when I needed her. I was surprised that I didn't think of calling her myself, who else do you call in time of need but your best friend, I mentally slapped myself for not calling her first. Snapping back to reality I realized my phone was still ringing, I really need to stop zoning out like that.

"SUZIEE" I shouted into the phone.

"Gosh Emilie, I think I'm freaking deaf" she replied.

"Sorry, I just need you to get your ass over here ASAP, and while your at it bring some ice-cream, we're going to watch The Hangover"

"Fine I'll be over in ten minutes, I need to tell you something" When she said the last part I knew something was wrong, Suzie is usually extremely happy, about everything, she can lift the mood in any situation just by being in the room, it's an amazing quality.

"This can't be good" I said to myself after hanging up the phone. I was still sat on the sofa, thinking of all the different reasons that Suzie could sound so upset, when I heard the knock on the door. Forgetting everything I ran to the door and as expected it was Suzie. I gave her the biggest hug imaginable and she let out a little squeal letting me know i was crushing her. I wasnt the biggest girl ever, about 5,7" and i definitely wasn't skinny. I have long blond hair, blue eyes and freckles. Lots of freckles. Suzie on the other hand was pretty different, she was shorter, about 5,3". She had long brown hair, green eyes, and she had an amazing figure, she had boys falling all over her but she didn't really care for the attention. Sometimes I felt kind of intimidated by how pretty she was but she didn't seem to notice.

We wern't just different physically though, she was pretty girly, she was the kind of person who wore skirts and wouldnt leave her house without make-up on. I on the other hand preferred skinny jeans and boys hoodies because dresses made me feel uncomfortable and exposed, (although I do love to dress up for special occasions) and only ever wore mascara, i wouldn't be caught dead with any other kind of make up on. But despite our differences we both love ice-cream and junk food, we've been best friends for 3 years, and she knows almost everything about me.

"Umm, Emilie I have something to tell you." She said. The tone of her voice let me know that it wasn't going to be good, shes never been this serious in her life.

"Okay, shoot." I say, looking her in the eyes.

"I think you might want to sit down for this." She says, dragging me over to the sofa and sitting me down.

"I-I was at the park earlier today and.. well this isn't easy for me to say but.. I saw Mathew and he was with another girl." She was staring at the floor the whole time she said this.

Even though I was expecting this it was still a shock to have my suspicions confirmed, I felt so betrayed, it's not like I loved the boy it's just embarrassing to be cheated on it just makes you feel worthless. Everything started getting blurry and that's when I realized that I was crying. I just sat there staring at the floor as the tears flowed quickly down my cheeks and onto my lap.

"Emilie.. Emilie say something." Suzie whispered.

"I- I cant believe it," I said. "Actually what am I saying, of course I can believe it, that bastard must have been cheating on me for ages!" I shouted. "Keeping family members company my ass." I mumbled to myself.

"I'm sorry." Suzie said quietly.

"Don't be sorry Suzie, I was expecting it anyways, gimme the phone, quickly." I said to her, looking around to see if I can remember where I had left it.

"Here you go," She says handing me my cell phone. "Who are you calling?"

"Mathew, duh." I replied as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

He picked up after a few rings. "Hello?" He says, obviously surprised I was calling him so soon after we just spoke.

"Hello, Mathew, I'm breaking up with you, I've been seeing someone else behind your back for about six months now." I say, clearly lying but he doesn't know that, it's not like I'm going to let him know how bad he's made me feel, I'm a strong woman and I'm not going to let him think otherwise.

"Wait, wh-" I hung up on him before he had a chance to reply.

"SUZIE, ICE-CREAM." I shout.

"Geez Emilie you really need to stop shouting, I'll need a hearing aid pretty soon." She says rather sarcastically.

"Well excuse me, are you the one who just found out her boyfriend was cheating on her? No you weren't, so hand over the damn ice-cream." I said before sticking my tongue out at her.

"Well.. its not all negative." She said with a hint of mischief in her voice.

"What did you do?" I groaned, knowing it wouldn't be good.

"Well, I knew you'd be upset so i kind of.."

"Come on Suzie spit it out." I wasn't in the mood to be patient.

"Okay well i knew you'd be upset so I got us both tickets and backstage passes to meet One Direction tomorrow night at their concert." She said extremely quickly, her words slurring together slightly at the speed. My mind barely had time to recognize the word she had said before she was standing on the other side of the room.

"YOU WHAT?!" I shouted at her. She actually thought this would cheer me up?! She knew that there was nothing i disliked more than One Direction. Well not all of them, Just Harry.

"I honestly don't know why you don't like them." She said walking back to the sofa, cautiously.

"Never mind WHY i don't like them. The fact is i don't and you knew that when you got these damn tickets."

"Well never mind your going. End of story. PICK YOU UP AT 6." She yelled before walking out the door.

She knew I hated them so WHY would she get tickets. You see, before i was best friends with Suzie.. I was best friends with someone else, that someone else who left to audition for the X-Factor and never contacted me again. And as I mentioned, Suzie knew ALMOST everything about me.. unfortunately, everything didn't include the fact that Harry Styles used to be my best friend, the one who I could trust with all my hopes, my dreams, my sufferings and everything and anything else, and facing him again tomorrow night might be too much for me to handle..


Muh Twittah. - @sl0themmings

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