Chapter 21.

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You'll read what I write and fzzking like it.

Dedicated to 'fakingsmiles' because her story is amazing..

**Emilie's P.O.V**

"Air!" Louis gasped as he scrambled out of the van, knocking over Harry and landing in a heap on the ground outside. That would have been a moment for the paps.

"Calm the form mate." Zayn said, laughing as he took a quick step over the boys bodies, that were stretched out on the ground. Not quick enough though as Louis managed to to grab a firm hold of his leg and pull him down on top of Harry.

"Ow." He groaned, rolling over onto his back. Louis just giggle in response to Zayns pain.

"Children." I muttered, linking arms with Suzie and skipping over to the door of the bungalow, the boys following.

As soon as Harry had opened the door after picking himself up, Niall stampeded past him towards the kitchen, knocking Harry to the ground once again. It was quite funny. I followed Niall to the kitchen and stood leaning against the door frame watching him rummage through the different drawers and cupboards until he opened one and his whole face lit up. I thought it was food but when I got a closer look I realizes that I had been mistaking.

Alcohol. Lots of it. This ought to be a fun night that's for sure.

"No no no no no." I said, pushing past Niall and grabbing a bottle of Vodka from the cabinet. I made my way over to the kitchen sink and started pouring the contents of the bottle down the drain.

"What are you doing?!" Niall exclaimed in horror, running over to me and grabbing the bottle from  my hands. "Don't you EVER do that again." He threatened, cradeling the bottle in his arms before placing it gently back in the cabinet. He glared at me before walking out of the kitchen.

"It ruins your kidneys and destroys your liver!" I shouted after him matter-of-factly. I knew he wasn't actually upset, but he will probably try to get me to buy him alcohol.

"I'm willing to take the risk!" He shouted back rather sarcastically. I laughed as I followed him into the living room. I walked in to find a heated argument over which movie to watch. I, being the only one with a whole sized brain, decided not to participate in the argument.

"Who wants tea?" Exclaimed Louis excitedly scurrying into the room carrying a tray stacked with colourful cups of what I assumed was tea.

"Well I'm outta here. Goodnight everyone!" Liam said, standing up and stretching. He was making his way out the door when I grabbed his arm.

"Liam, its 8pm. Where the hell are you going?" I said, dragging him back towards the others.

"Oh hell no!" He said stubbornly, stopping in his place and refusing to move. "I am not putting up with them tonight. For the next 29 hours, they're your problem." He pointed his finger at me, emphasizing his argument.

"My problem? Liam, what the hell are you talking about? Their drinking tea for crying out loud look at them!" I gestured towards our group of friends gathered around the television engrossed in the movie they were watching, quietly sipping on their warm beverages.

Liam smirked at me, a look of smugness crossing his usually innocent features. Well, thats a first.

"Oh Louis!" Liam sang, not taking his eyes off me. "Come bring Emilie a cup of tea."

Louis perked up at the mention of his name and enthusiastically handed me a cup full of the warm liquid. After a closer inspection I noticed that the cup had the boys faces on it. Original.

I eyed the boys nervously as I brought the cup closer to my lips, glancing quickly at Louis eager expression and Liams expectant one before taking a large gulp of the warm liquid. I burned as it made it's way down my throat.


Thats not right..

"YOU PUT VODKA IN THE TEA?" I shouted at Louis, who looked taken aback by my sudden outburst, but quickly regained himself.

"Well, of course Em, we're on vacation." He stated simply.

"Yeah, but Vodka Tea.. Really Louis?"

"It's not actually that bad." Suzie intervened, getting up from her place across the room and coming over to stand beside Louis.

"But still Suzie, you know how you get when you drink. You're an unbelievable lightweight." I argued. It's true, she cannot handle her alcohol at all.

There's three different stages for Suzie when she drinks. The first one is Sexual predator Suzie, where she will attempt to mount anything that resembles a human or has a pulse. It then accelerates to Hyper Suzie, it's basically like a 6-year-old having a sugar rush. There is a lot of shouting, rambling and running around the house climbing on the furniture and demanding piggy backs off random people. When all this is over she gets to the last stage which is Emotional Suzie. This is just her sitting in the corner crying her eyes out after the mistakes of the night which usually includes jumping a boy she wouldn't even consider going near if she was sober and making a complete fool of herself by running around the house like a child. When all of this is finished she just falls asleep and has forgotten everything by the next morning, her ability to do this never fails to amaze me.

I sighed, knowing that this was an augment I had no chance of winning.

"I give up, Louis go get the Vodka." I muttered loud enough for Louis, Suzie and Liam to hear.

"WHOOP WHOOP CHICKEN SOUP." Louis shouted before running out of the room, Suzie doing the exact same.

"I am outta here." Liam says quickly making his way towards the door before he could be held responsible for the chaos that was about to go down in this cute little house. He shot me a sympathetic glance before leaving the room.

Suzie and Louis returned not too long after that, carrying various bottles containing colourful liquids.

"I won't drink too much, I promise." Suzie says sincerely, her hand covering her chest where her heart is positioned.

And I actually believed her.

Biggest. Mistake. Ever.

---------Not So Very Much Later--------

**Niall, Zayn + Louis P.O.V**

ASDFGHJKL *gurgle noises*

**Emilie's P.O.V**

"Zayn! Leave the goldfish alone! Louis! Get off the table, it's going to break for Gods sake! NIALL, STOP DRY HUMPING THE SOFA!" Oh My Lord! I've had enough of this. I really thought that this would only be a few civilized drinks and a game of Monopoly or something. This is so stressful, there's music blaring in my ears and a distant pounding in my head even though I wasn't drinking. Who knew it was so hard to keep these boys in line, I really need to buy Paul a spa ticket or something, he truly deserves it.

I sat back down on the sofa -after Niall had finished violating it-  lowered my head and stared rubbing my temples. I can't handle this crap, I'm going to find Liam.

I stood up and walked out the door into the short hallway, careful not to catch the attention of the intoxicated boys that were prancing around the half-destroyed living room. I sighed with relief knowing that Liam will probably help me deal with this insanity. As I was making my way towards Liams room I remembered that Harry and Suzie wern't in the living room. Surely they would have done something chaotic to grab my attention if they were? I decided to take a slight detour and check to see if Harry was in his room, or sober.

I had my hand stretched out about to open the door to Harry's room when I heard noises coming from inside.

Not very good ones ether. I knew I was going to regret this but as they say, 'curiosity killed the cat.'


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