Chapter 18.

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Hai there peoples! Guess who just discovered spell check? *Points to self* THIS GURL.

Guess what sucks. Writers block.

**In The Previous Chapter.**

"Suzie, I'm adopted. And Niall Horan is my brother."

I can't believe this. Niall is my freaking brother.


**Emilie's P.O.V**

Suzie was lost for words, just as I expected her to be. I honestly don't blame her, I was lost for words when the doctor told me. Nothing could have prepared me for it. It came as just as big of a shock to her as it did to me.

Don't get me wrong, it's not as if it's a bad thing being Nialls sister, if anything it was a good thing! Great even! I finally have a brother, a family! I know that Niall will accept me with open arms.. But what about his parents, our parents!  What if they despise me? They did put me up for adoption after all. Why did they even give me up? It hurts to think that they just gave me away for no reason other than they hated me, but I was only a baby, what could I have done?

I was ripped from my thoughts by the boys bursting into the room once again. I guess it didn't take Niall as much time to tell them as it took me to tell Suzie. It looks like they all took it pretty well too, except for Harry, something seems.. off about him. He's standing behind the boys as if he's.. Hiding. He looks rater nervous too for some reason.

No, its okay it's probably just the head injury making me see things. Or I'm going insane. Either is fine by me.

All the boys look pretty calm as they crowded around the bed giving me sympathetic smiles. They probably thought I was breaking apart inside, I don't blame them, if I were in their position the same thoughts would be flooding through my mind. But that's not how I feel, I feel relieved that I finally have a family that could potentially love me. Unlike my adoptive parents of whom I think weren't capable of love. Their entire lives revolved around money, of which I assume I still have access to even though they know that I know I'm adopted, will it make a difference to them? Nope. I'm still their daughter by law so they can't cut me off. Why did they even adopt me if they didn't even plan on being a proper family? Did they just adopt me to keep the maid company? Probably.

I want more ice-cream.

"Umm.. Niall?" I asked sheepishly.

"Yes?" He replied quickly, his head snapping up at the mention of his name.

"Could you maybe get me some more ice-cream." Between Suzie and I the tub of ice-cream didn't stand a chance. Poor thing.

Nialls face lit up at the mention of food. "I shall be right back with that m'lady." He said, bowing down and then kissing my hand. I giggled, he was such a goof. He really is the perfect brother.

**Harrys P.O.V**

Emilei is Nialls sister. SHE'S HIS FREAKING SISTER. Oh Mother of Mercy.

I almost passed out when he told us. The boys took it well, congratulating him on his new sister, he's only ever had a brother and I'm sure he would love to act big brother.

Which involves being protective.

He'll never let me date her.

I mean, Louis has five sisters and he's unbelievably protective of each one of them! Even if they are still pretty young. But Niall only has one! He's going to make sure nothing bad ever happens to her and in his book, I may be classed under the category 'bad things'. Especially considering my romantic history and they way I tended to treat girls.

Emilie is different though.

There's just something about her. The way she can make my heart stop with just the faintest smile. The way she can leave you speechless without even realizing it. They way she flips her hair gets me overwhelmed. Hah. Geddit? In all seriousness though, she was beautiful and she didn't even notice.

I love her. I really do.

I've known her my whole life and I'm only admitting this to myself now.

And right now, she's sitting in a hospital bed. Fragile as ever, and it's all my fault. I need to make this up to her somehow.

And I have a lovely idea how.

I cant wait for Emilie to get out of this hospital.

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