Chapter 13.

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Dedimicated to.. 'xLondonKiss' for no apparant reason..

**In The Previous Chapter**

We just laid there smiling at each other, his eyes were so perfect. We were inches apart, it was like last night, but no screaming fans, no one to interrupt us, just Harry and I. Alone.

Without realising it, we were both leaning in again..


Y'know you never realise how hot he is until your inches away from his face.. Well, you do but he's so much better looking up close.

This is it..

I was going to kiss my best friend..


"HARRY GET OFF HER." Louis came barging into the room shouting with Suzie straight after.

"LOUIS WHAT THE HELL!?" Harry shouted back.

"We heard shouting and we thought we'd check it out to see if everything was okay." Suzie said, smiling at me.

Shouting? What?

"You heard me shouting, lastnight." I said back.

"Yes, we did." Louis replied for her.

"And your here now becauusee?" I asked, getting annoyed.

"Well.. you were shouting and we were too lazy to come in here last night so we waited till this morning." He said, smiling to himself. He obviously thought he was a genius.

"You waited a whole twelve hours to see if Harry had killed me?" Nice to see how much I'm loved here.

"There's a big gap between rape and murder.. Harry's only capable of one. We should buy you a rape alarm." Oh Louis.



"OUT." He wasn't expecting me to shout but either way he ran out of the room, dragging Suzie with him, she threw me a look first, I think she knew what was going on. I need to explain this to her. Once I figure out whats going on myself..

"Well that was.. interesting?" Harry said brushing his hand through his gorgeous brown curls.

"Yeah, we should get them one of those collars with bells on them." He laughed and I smiled, I love his laugh so much.

"Pancakes?" I asked him excitedly. I could imagine the look on my face right now. Trying to look as Innocent as possible, so that he'll agree to make me pancakes.

"Of course." He said, getting out from beneath the bedclothes, and once again he was naked. What was with this kid? Could he not go eight hours without being naked?

"LOUIS." I screamed. Covering my eyes with my hands. I heard Louis run into the room out of breath.

"You called?" He asked, gasping for air. I pointed at what I could only assume was a still naked Harry.

"Harry, The smirk." I said as Louis directed me out of the room.


"I just know." I replied, cutting him off as I heard Louis closing the door behind us.

"You can look now." Louis said, obviously amused.

"I think I'll take you up on the previous offer of a rape alarm." I said taking my hands away from my eyes."HARRY I'M GETTING A RAPE ALARM." I shouted. I think I looked silly shouting at a door.

I heard what I think was an 'Okay' which came out muffled through the door.

"Did you like the view?" Louis asked winking at me.

"Yeah, its very pretty, you can see the whole city from your living room." I replied sarcastically, then I smiled realizing that's basically what I said to Harry.. Along with 'DUDE. CLOTHES.'

"You go ahead and I'll wait for Harry, he's going to make me pancakes!" I said smiling widely while jumping up and down. I really like pancakes.

"Sure." He said, dragging out the word and winking at me again, whats with him and getting the wrong idea, maybe I do like Harry as more than a friend, but I would never make a move and he only thinks of me as a sister. I rolled my eyes at Louis as he walked away.

"Harry, hurry up, I WANT PANCAKES!" I sound like a spoilt child throwing a tantrum.

Finally the door opened and Harry stood there fully clothed for once. He looked nervous for some reason.

He hesitated for a minute then took a step towards me, only then did I realise how close we actually were, my thoughts were interrupted by Harry, who while I was thinking silly thoughts, leaned in and kissed me.

Holy crap I'm kissing Harry.

Well there you go, Chapter 13 :D Your welcomes (:

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