Chapter 26.

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Love y'all, here we gooo!


Okay Em, don't hyperventilate, you know that won't help your situation.

The guys.

Are coming.

To my show.

I'll have to socialize with them, I mean if I don't it would be terrible publicity for my line.

A knock on the door scared the basjeezus out of me. Gosh Mandy break the door down why don't you.

"Emilie freaking Thorne, open this door before I break it down!" She's a very impatient girl. I can have some fun with this.

"Uhm, how about no?" I replied cheekily, skipping over to the door in my silk pyjamas. I'm a classy bird now.

"Are you reeaally willing to go there?" She asked, she knows me to well.

"Well no not really. I don't want another foot sized hole in my door, I wasn't impressed with the last one." I giggled to myself as I unlocked the door so that Mandy could deliver my ice-cream. She looked awesome as ever promoting my clothes

Black shoe boots and skinny jeans with a red tank top and black cardigan. Simple, but stylin. She engulfed me in a hug and I started gasping for air.

"Mandy, release!"

"Sorryy, come on, here's your ice-cream," She handed me my ice-cream and dragged me back over to my sofa, "We need a game plan."

"Game plan? What?" I'm confused.. Ohhh, I know, she's talking about getting in a crate and shipping my dumb ass self to Korea.

"You know, outfits, practicing what you're going to say.. It's been a year Emilie, time to girl up and face the music."

"I'll face the music, but not if it's a One Direction song." I took another spoonful of ice-cream and changed the programme on the television. Since Harry walked off they had to change to commercial break. Well, good luck explaining that to management Haz.

"Ha ha very funny. I'm serious Em, you made me run away from Liam Payne, YOU'RE NOT TAKING THIS CHANCE AWAY FROM ME AGAIN!" She screams, a bit overly dramatic if you ask me, but that's how she rolls. "Plus, if it helps you reconcile with old friends it's a win win situation right?" She says, smiling desperately at me.


"Butts are for sitting on. So it's settled, we're seeing One Directioonnn." She hugs me again and this time i hug her back, she may be annoying sometimes but I love her and I know she'll always be there for me. She moved to Paris with me what more proof do I need?


"Come on Emilie we don't have all night!" Amanda pestered me once again.

"Gosh keep your dress on Mandy!" I yelled, checking myself in the mirror one last time before rushing out of the door. "Ready?" I asked, linking my arm with hers.

"No I'm not ready, I've only been waiting for about a half hour." She replied sarcastically, dragging me outside and locking the door behind us. "Off we go!"


As we neared the door of the complex I handed Amanda a pair of sunglasses. We may not be One Direction but they are coming to my fashion show, which means I'm pretty well known in the fashion industry. You know what else it means? Paparazzi. Spawns of the Devil, whatever you want to call them, they're still going to be waiting on my doorstep.

"You ready for this?" I asked Amanda, linking our arms together.

"Ready as I'll ever be." She says, shooting me a reassuring smile. "3. 2. 1" "GO!" 

I yanked the door open forcefully and we made a run for our awaiting limousine, tripping over eachother and giggling like children in the process. We ignored the blinding flashes and the microphones that were being rudely shoved in our faces, obstructing our sight. We made it to the limo, skilfully dodging the reporters that were blocking our way. Amanda opened the door quickly, releasing her grip on my arm as I launched myself head first into the limo, landing safely on the cushioned seats. I smiled to myself, feeling accomplished. Amanda quickly got in and gave me a high five. We did it, the next obstacle was the show itself. 

Oh the joy.


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