Chapter 24.

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 Helooh. I just came out of hibernation. :D Im sorry it took me three freaking weeks. :(

Anyways, I love y'all here you goo!

**Emilies P.OV**

Okay Emilie, just calm down.. just keep swimming just keep swimming! No. This is not the time for that.

I seriously have to be the only person in this country who doesn't know where my house is. Ugh, I'll just have to ask someone for directions..

"Uhm, excuse me, sir?" I asked some random middle aged man that was walking down the street. "DO you know where the Thorne residence is?"

"Why yes I do, follow me." He said sweetly before walking off in the same direction, me following him.

"Are you sure we're going the right way?"  I questioned as we walked further down the dark street, the cold wind blowing my hair around my face wildly. This doesn't look like the kind of place my parents would live. They wouldn't even dump garbage here. It's not a very respectable neighbourhood at all, in fact, it looks terrible and run down, the kind of place druggies would live.

I was starting to feel uncomfortable in the presence of this stranger, maybe asking for directions was a bad idea. Especially since I noticed that there were no ore street lights further down the way.

 The man stopped and I did too- bad idea.

What he did was so sudden that it took a few seconds to register with me properly. I should have expected it really.

The man grabbed me by the neck and threw me into a wall. Hard. My head hit the brick wall and pain shot down my spine, spreading throughout my body. The world seemed to get fuzzy around the edges but I still clung to my consciousness with every fibre of my being, unable to fight back due to the excruciating pain in every part of my body.

"That's right, just stay like that and we won't have any problems." He said smugly, referring to my state of immobility. His breath reeked of alcohol and I fought the urge to puke.

By this time I was on the ground and he was clumsily trying to unbutton my top.

This can't be happening. Was the only thought circulating throung my brain. No. I'm not going to let this happen.

Im Emilie fucking Thorne.

And I am not going down without a fight.

Summoning up all the srength I could find I pushed the man off me, he seemed shocked at my sudden outburst but soon composed himself and lunged at me again. I was too quick for his slow thinking and had already taken off running in the direction we had been walking from.

As I ran I spotted the house up ahead. I know I couldn't go in though.

It was a pride thing okay?

Nearing the house I noticed a shadowy figure standing at the doorstep smoking. Zayn. I can't leave him out there alone with a freaking maniac on the loose! I mean come on! Zayn is fucking plastered!

I stopped in front of the house. "Hi Zayn!" I said quickly before snatching the cigarette out of his hands and throwing it to the ground.

"Hi Emms! Hey wait, I wasn't finished with that!" He slurred as I opened the front door and hastily pushed him inside and grabbing the keys to the door.

"Tell the guys I love them." I whispered before shutting the door. Once Zyan was safely inside I locked the door and threw the keys back into the house through an open window, Im sure someone else will find them in the morning when they're sober.

I took off running again. I didn't know where I was running to really since I was lost, but... YOLO? I've been doing this a lot recently, running away from my problems. Great way to grow as a person. Note the sarcasm.

Thinking while running iis dodgy though since next thing I knew I had ran directly into some innocent bystander and was on the ground screaming my ass off and covering my face protectively.

"Are you okay? Helloo? DUDE!"

Wait.. That didn't sound like a murderer. That was a girls voice. I slowly removed my hands from my face and looked up to meet a confused looking girl around my age. She had shoulder length black hair and sparkling blue eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine thank you." I said, taking the hand she had stretched out, pulling myself up to my feet and straightening out my clothes.

"Well, my names Amanda, but most people call me Mandy." She said happily.

"Emilie." I said, smiling at her bubbly personality.

"Hey.. is that Liam Payne running towards us?" She asked, here eyes widening to the size of golf balls.

"What?" I asked, looking behind us. "Oh shit, run."

"BUT IT'S LIAM FREAKING PAYNE." She whined. "Ugh, you owe me so bad." She mumbled, grabbing my hand and running off around the corner.

This will probably be a long night.




Oh and if you have any questions about me or ma story just drop them in the comments. (: I won't bite! :3

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