Chapter 10.

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Haii Guise. Sooooo, for the dedication in this chapter I chose a fan at random, and that fan isss.. 'SillyTrickster' (:

Enjoy. (:

**In The Previous Chapter**

We walked into the room next door, there were 5 pairs of eyes on us. I just then remembered that I had shouted 'OH HARRY. YOUR SO HOT, DON'T STOP, DON'T STOP' Very loudly. And that they had heard me.

They may have gotten the wrong idea.

I hope Harry is going to explain all that to them.

I felt the blood rushing to my cheeks. Of course.

Blushing is going to help this situation soo much.


Harry looked from me to the boys. Obviously knowing how embarrassed I was because of what I had shouted. "We just had sex." He says casually walking over to get an apple from the bowl on the coffee table in the centre of the room.

"WHAT? NO. No. We," I said, pointing to Harry and myself. "Did NOT. have sex."

The boys laughed at my expression.

"Chill Emilie," Liam said. "We know that you and Harry didn't do anything. You are a classy lady, your standards are too high for Harry." I looked at Harry, who was faking hurt.

"Excuse me? BOOBEAR, HE INSULTED ME!" Harry shouted, running to Louis and jumping on his lap, "crying" into his chest. I couldn't help but laugh at them, they had the cutest bromance ever going on.

"Shh, shh, Louis is here now." Louis said softly, rubbing circles into his back.

"Are they always like this?" I asked Liam.

"Usually, I think you just bring it out in Harry, he's been here 20 seconds and I can already tell he's happier." I didn't know what he meant by that, but I decided not to ask.

I sit down beside Liam and lay my head on his shoulder, he put his arm around me. I've only known him what, 2 hours? And he's already like an older brother to me, a father figure even. He's just awesome. I looked up at Harry again to see that he had gotten up off Louis and was staring at Liam as if he was going to kill him.

"Harry?" I ask, he looked at me quickly, all traces of anger gone off his face, replaces with that breathtaking smile.


"You okay? You look kind of.. agitated?"

"Yeah I'm fine, just thinking." He said, directing his attention back to Liam, who was smiling at him. Zayn whispered something to Niall and Suizie, who nodded and laughed in response. I couldn't help but feel like I was missing something. Then I had remembered that I had blacked out.

"Guys, what time is it?" I ask. God only knows how long we've been here, it had never registered with my mind that everybody else had already left.

"It's like 1am, why?" Louis answered.

"1AM?! Dude, we have to leave." I said to Suzie who was busy flirting with Niall.

"Do we have to?" Suzie whined, she can be such a child some times.

"Would you like to sleep on the street then that's fine by me, but I would like to go to sleep, and I'm sure the boys would too?" I say, looking at the boys.

"YOU CAN STAY WITH US!" Harry shouts suddenly, a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Harry we can't stay with you."

"Why not? We have an apartment. And I'm not giving you another choice." He walks over to me and takes my hand. "Please?" He says, looking into my eyes. I couldn't help it, my heart just melted.

"Fine." I say, defeated.

"YAYY." Everyone shouts, including Suzie, who was looking at Niall like a love-struck puppy. I rolled my eyes at her.

"Come on then lets go, how far away is this apartment?"

"Like a 5 minute walk, but we have to go out through the back door, fans love us." Harry says, winking at me.

"Your so full of yourself." I say, slapping his arm playfully.

We went out the back door, into a dark ally, of course, why couldn't we walk into a freaking rose garden or somewhere. It was pretty creepy.



"Hold my hand? I'm scared." I say, embarrassed. I know he's smirking right now. But ethier way he held my hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

All of a sudden the top flew off a trashcan and a teenage girl popped out.

"OH MY GOD! ONE DIRECTION!" She screamed, taking out her phone and typing rapidly. We heard screaming in the distance getting louder.

"RUN!" Louis shouted, grabbing Suzie's arm and running off with the boys. Me and Harry on the other hand, ducked behind a large trashcan, me falling on top of him, as the fans ran past, not noticing us at all.

"Lucky us." He whispers, his face getting closer to mine.

"Very lucky indeed I whisper back, getting closer and closer to him." ..

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