Chapter 3.

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**Suzie's P.O.V**

The trip to the concert was deathly silent. I was expecting her to complain but she didn't, not one word. All she did was sit there staring out the window, with a stern look on her face as if she was deep in thought. What was there to think about? We're going to a One Direction concert for crying out loud, she should be ecstatic, I know I am! I don't know why she says she hates them, I've heard her playing their music before but she just says that it was on the television and she couldn't find the remote. Smart Girl. Not much of an imagination though.

I was going to say something but then I realized that it would be better off if I didn't, I knew that she wasn't exactly as happy about going to this concert as I was, I LOVE ONE DIRECTION. I had to contain myself from screaming right there. I can't believe I'm going to meet them tonight! Emilie seriously needs to cheer up, whats the worst that can happen tonight anyways?

**Emilies P.O.V**

The trip to the concert was in silence. At least Suzie had enough common sense not to say anything. I probably would have ripped her throat out. Yes I'm angry, what of it? I just can't stop thinking about my .. 'reunion' with Harry, will he even remember me? I sure hope not, and even if he does what can he say 'Sorry I was too busy doing pop star stuff to apologise for being an ass.' Yeah that seems like something he would say. I wonder if my fears came true? Has fame gotten past those adorable curls and affected his brain? Probably. Well, I guess we'll see now wont we? Unless he put on a total act and is all like 'Hii, my names Harry Styles and I'm going to act all nice with my unbelievably fake smile because that's what management wants.' But I know Harry, I'll see right through whatever little act he puts on, that was the thing about being best friends, he was like an open book to me, no matter how hard he tried to hide his emotions I could tell instantly what he was hiding.

The trip there took a half hour, it didn't seem that long to me, but as they say, time flies when your having fun. Not.

I was dreading this.

Suzie lead us to our seats, which I was hoping was somewhere near the back, behind the spotlights where they wouldn't see us. But as usual, me being the ever-lucky person that I am had front row seats along with Suzie, isn't that just delightful? We just sat there looking around for a while. Suzie kind of reminded me of a puppy, she was just so excited, she couldn't sit still in her seat, it was pretty adorable when you think about it. She's been dreaming of meeting One Direction since.. well forever really. I probably shouldn't let my bitterness towards Harry rain on her parade, I'm lucky to have her as a best friend and I should be happy for her.

"Ehm.. Emilie?" She asked.

"Yes Suzie?"

"Why are you hugging me?"

"What?" And then I realized that while I was thinking about how lucky I was to have her as a best friend I had subconsciously started hugging her. My bad.

"Sorry, I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you as a best friend."

"I'm lucky to have you as my best friend too Emilie." She replied with a smile on her face, hugging me back.

Then all of a sudden everyone around us started screaming, including Suzie.

"Geez Suzie, I think I'm deaf" I say, mocking the sentence that she uses when ever I scream. She replied by just sticking her tongue out at me like a child, and I just rolled my eyes at her and looked up at the stage.

There he was, looking just like he did 3 years ago when he left me. Cheeky as ever by the looks of it, smiling and winking at any girl that catches his eye. Charming Harold. Just charming. Hard to teach an old dog new tricks I suppose. Oh crap he looked this way, I quickly looked in the other direction and covered my face with my hair, there was a reason I wore it down y'know.

I seriously think that I was actually drawing more attention to myself to be honest, I was the only girl at the entire concert who wasn't melting while gazing deeply into Harry's green eyes.. actually I was the only girl here not looking at them at all! Oh crap. I am drawing attention to myself arn't I? Okay, I'll just look at the rest of the boys, they dont know me and if Harry looks then i'll just look away. And that's what I did for the whole duration of the concert. It felt like forever but FINALLY the concert ended, I looked around and everyone was crying? What? Then I realized. Oh yeah. The whole Fangirling thing.

Suzie wasn't crying though.. she was.. smiling?

"Suzie, whats with the creepy smile?"

"We're going backstage.." Everything went fuzzy there for a minute and I almost fell over. I thougt I was in the clear, I had forgotten about the backstage passes, she must have been on her laptop for days do she could be the first one to get these, oh lord, why are you doing this to me?

Soon enough after the boys had gone backstage and most of the audience had left, and after 3 failed attempts of escaping, (Suzie was stronger than I remembered) one of the security guards came and asked us for our names and passes. He asked us to follow him and we did, he brought us as far as a door and told us to wait inside with the others until the boys were ready to see us, ha, you'd swear they were royalty!

We went into the room and I was pretty shocked at what I saw, some of the girls in here couldn't be more than fourteen and yet they were wearing skirts that I would wear as a belt! They were caked in fake tan and crowding around a mirror trying to apply more make-up which, from my point of view, they already had about 2-3 inches of it on already. They had more make up on than clothing. I giggled silently to myself, earning glares from the "children" applying the make-up. But not all of them were like that, there were some normal looking teenagers here, but if I had to guess, I would say Suzie and I were the oldest here, great, another reason to stand out when we meet them.

After about 10 minutes the security dude came back, again, telling us all to follow him to meet the boys, I heard excited squeals from all around, I let out a groan as I was dragged after the group by Suzie. She must secretly work out.

It wasn't long before we stopped in front of a door. Everyone has huge grins plastered across their faces, except for me of course. As the man opened the door, I covered my face with my hair, looked down at the ground, and prayed silently that I wouldn't be noticed by any of the boys. Especially Harry.

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