Chapter 6.

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Dedicated too "AKA_amazing" Because she said I was nice (:


I didn't have a clue what to say to him. He was obviously going to come over to me and say something! Maybe Liam will reply for me. No. He's the sensible one of course he's going to make me face this myself. Oh Lord. I didn't feel like crying anymore. I think I was just trying to avoid the awkward moment that was promised when Harry says something and I don't reply. I'm too stubborn to apologize. Me being me. Even if it was my fault for not trusting him, I was still right though, he was talking to Liam about me as if I wasn't even there! He needs his mom back to teach him some manners. Okay. I'm rambling. Shouldn't Harry have walked over here by now?

I looked up, expecting Harry to maybe have walked over to one of the bimbo's hoping to have gotten their number, what I wasn't expecting was to see Harry their standing right in front of me, his eyes wide with shock. Dude it's been thirty seconds. Get over it already.

"So are you going to stand there and stare at me? I think your eyes might dry up if you don't blink soon." I said casually. I'm actually not nervous at all. I thought I'd stutter like crazy, I guess I have Liam to thank, he makes me feel safe, like a big brother. Too bad I'll probably never see him again after this.

My thoughts were interrupted by Harry pulling me from Liams lap and throwing me over his shoulder as if I weighed nothing, and started twirling around in circles. Woah.. He was strong!

"Harry! HAROLD. PUT. ME. DOWN." I screamed, while trying to stop myself from laughing. Then I realized what he was doing, he used to do this all the time when we were younger. Until I discovered his weakness.

Without so much as a second thought I jammed my fingers into his ribs and stomach and started tickling him. He immediately started screaming and giggling like a child and put me back on the sofa beside Liam, who put his arms protectively around me again, I smiled up at him to see the amused look on his face watching Harry recover from his laughing fit.

Once he regained himself he picked my up again and pulled me into a huge bear hug.

"Oh Emmie, It really is you! I've missed you so much!" He said into my ear.

"Of course its me, isn't it obvious?"

"Are you kidding me?! You look nothing like you did when I left.. I'm sorry for.. y'know.. being kind of rude earlier on.. I didn't know it was you." He said looking at his feet, embarrassed.

"All is forgiven." I said, laughing at how innocent he looked.

"All?" He asked, looking me in the eyes. I knew he was asking about how he left me. I didn't know how to answer that, I had forgiven him for leaving, it was so long ago and I like to think that moving forward is the right thing to do but still, he never called.

"You never called.." I said to him, sadness clear in my voice.

"Oh come on Em, you know how stubborn we both are, even if I did call we both know you wouldn't have answered." This boy knew me well. I pulled him into another hug, breathing in his scent, Blu de Chanel. Fancyy.

"All is forgiven." I whisper into his ear.

"Soo, I assume your not here for me?" He said, after we had stopped hugging.

"Well the reason I'm here is staring at us from across the room." I said, pointing at Suzie. Her eyes almost popping out of her head. "She may have absolutely no idea that I ever knew you.."

"You never told her?"

"Didn't feel like it was necessary, she knows about everything else.. except you." I said, looking at the ground, which I have spent a lot of time doing so far tonight.

"And what was so bad about me?" He asked, playfully.

"Well I didn't want to get shouted at for falling out with 'THE Harry Styles, you're like royalty in her eyes."

"I am?" He said sounding amused.

"Yes. You are. And no, you cannot have her number. Because I know you, and she's my best friend." When I said that part he seemed kind of upset.

"Best friend?" He asked.

"Well yeah, Harry you've been gone for three years, you hardly expect me to sit around and eat Ben & Jerrys the whole time. I did that for long enough."

"Not very believable. With the figure you have now, it looks like all you've eaten since I left was water." When he said that his eyes widened as his cheeks turned a dark shade of red. So did mine. Awkward.

"Anywayyss.." He said, desperately looking for something to change subjects with..

"Where are the boys gone?" I asked. Noticing for the first time that Liam and Louis had left.

"Over there." He said, pointing to the other side of the room, where the other boys were. The were surrounded by the "slags" I had mentioned, with 2-3 inches of make up and belts as skirts.

Harry and I started walking over towards them and Harry put his arm around my waist and I leaned into him, it seems as if all my anger towards him had evaporated and it's like we never even stopped being friends at all.

Once again my thoughts were interrupted, but not by Harry.

It was a girls scream

And it was very loud.

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