Chapter 25.

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**A Year Later**

I walked over to the sofa with a large blanket and bowl of popcorn in hand, stopping for a second to observe the breathtaking view from my penthouse window. The twinkling lights of the city illuminated the night sky, the Eiffel tower looks amazing when it's lit up.. In case you havn't figured it out yet.. I moved.. To France.

No it does not seem drastic thank you very much.

I moved here not to long after the incident in Cheshire, I decided I couldn't spend all my time sulking so I picked myself up, along with a shitload of money and launched my own clothing line and now I'm successful as hell, go me!

I should probably tell you what happened that night..


"I owe a lot of people, join the list." I said under my breath, looking back to see Laim fading away into the distance. "I think we can stop running now." I panted, leaning up against a wall, trying to regain my breath. I'm not into exercise.. Or phsyical movement in general.

"So would you like to tell me why we're running away from LIAM PAYNE instead of running towards him?" Amanda asked, annoyance clear in her voice. Ohh.. Looks like we have a pissed off directioner on our hands, how wonderful.

"Well, to make a long story short: Harry Styles is my childhood best friend to just made out with my current bestfriend and instead of fessing up and telling him my true feelings I ran away like the coward I am,"  "Oh and I almost just got raped, hooray for society!" I finished off, raising my hand to the back of my head to find an extremely painful bumb.

"Oh.. Well thats nice.." She replied, obviously lost for words at my pathetic excuse for leaving Harry and the others.

"Not really." I replied, "You wouldn't happen to know where Christina Thorne lives would you?"

"Everyone knows where she lives." She said bluntly.

"Not me.." I pointed out.

"Yeah but you're running away from One Direction, you're obviously different from other people." She said, poking my shoulder playfully. "Anyways, you don't have to look much further because we're kinda standing in her driveway, and unless we want to get sued we should probably leave.." She reached out to grab my wrist but I stopped her.

"Wanna stay the night?" I asked her, taking out my keys and walking towards the door, praying that my parents havnt changed the locks since I had left. Amanda just stood there staring at me as if I had a second head.

"Are you fucking insane?" She whisper yelled at me. "Are you seriously trying to break into Christina Thornes house?!"

"Uhmm, Christina Thorne Emilie Thorne, hello?" I slid the key into the dor and turned it slowly, hearing a click before I pulled the key out again. Bingo. "You coming?"

She simply nodded in response, her jaw almost touching the ground as she walked into the giant house after me.

**End of flashback**

So yeah, my parents didn't take it that bad. A slight lecture about bringing strangers into the house without a background check but thats all really..

"And now in the studio, we have ONE DIRECTION!"

The television was on in the background and that sentence certainly caught my attention. I ran over and quickly settled myself on he sofa.

"So, we've heard you're going to the exclusive Thorne fashion show tomorrow night? True or false?"

Wait, what? They're going to my show?

Liam was the one to answer the question, "Yes we are, we need to choose some outfits for our upcoming tour and our stylist suggested we go to check out th latest fashion trends."

"Well, I'm sure Ms. Emilie Thorne will be delighted to see you've taken an interest in her work."

That obviously caught the attention of the boys, of course they didn't know it was my show, the whole interview was obviously scripted.

"Emilie Thorne? As in, from Cheshire?"  Zayn asked, still in shock.

"Well yes, I thought you knew the designer?" The interviewer asked confused.

The camera cuts to Harry who just stands up and storms out of the interview. Oh?

Just then my phone starts ringing.


"Did you see the interview?" Amanda asks, concerned.

"Yes Mandy, I saw it.. It's okay I can deal with it. It's just more publicity for me."

I heard her sigh through the phone. "I'm coming up and I'll bring the ice-cream." A smile breaks out on my face.

"Thank you Mandy, I'll be waiting." I hang up and think about the possible outcomes of the boys coming to my show.. This should be fun..

Oh and would anyone like to reccomend some music?

We've got a bit of Love HateDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora