Chapter 15.

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Dedicated to 'EpicName' cause her story is ahmayzing. (:

Hai Guisse. This is amazing. OVER 6,000 READS! I don't even think this story is that good. :|

Feel free to Chat or Messaage me about anything, anytime, no matter how awkward I am I will still speak to you. And recommend stories too, I'll definatly read them! Kay this is too long now JUST ENJOY THE CHAPTER!. (Sorry this was so long!)

**In The Previous Chapter**

But as usual, I had a momentary lack of focusing to stand on my feet on the ice. And I fell. Smashing my head off the hard ice. Owwie.

"Are you okay?" Harry asked, his voice full of concern.

"Yeah, I'm fine, I said shakily, touching the back of my head. It was damp, and warm.

I brought my hand up to my face to see what it was. Blood. Oh shit.

'Would you like some Epic with that Fail?' Was the last thought running through my head before the whole world turned black around me.


-Harry's P.O.V-

Oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. She fell and there's blood. I don't know if she fainted because of the blood or because she hit her head either way this is not good. Wait.. she's a chick, shouldn't she be okay with blood? Ew gross.. HAPPY THOUGHTS HARRY, HAPPY THOUGHTS.

I managed to drag her off the ice without falling on the ice myself. I made a mental note never to bring her skating. Ever. Oh my god, what do I do?.. HOSPITAL. Duh. I can be such an airhead sometimes, I personally think its the curls.

I picked Emilie up bridal style and brought her to the car then drove to the hospital, I may get a few speeding tickets in the mail, and my car might be covered in blood, but that's not my biggest issue at the moment. I got to the hospital within five minutes, a personal best for me considering the big distance between the ice rink and the Hospital. As soon as I had gotten past the door I was surrounded by doctors and nurses who took Emilie. I dint want to let go of her but I knew that I really had no other choice right now.

I was directed to an empty room by a Nurse with the biggest fake smile ever plastered onto her face, and was told that I would be updated on Emilie's condition soon.

"Wait" I said, grabbing her arm before she left. "Is she going to be okay?"

Her smile faltered and for a second I swear she looked almost sympathetic. "I don't know honey, she losty a lot of blood. We can only hope for the best." She said, before leaving me alone in the room with my thoughts.

This is all my fault. I thought to myself. If I brought her out to dinner or anywhere else then we wouldn't be in this situation at all. I would still be mesmerized be her beautiful smile or her enchanting laugh. But no, I just had to be different and bring her ice skating. 'Hipsta Please' my fucking ass. Gosh I'm so stupid.

As I sat there looking at the blue walls, I couldn't help but think that something was missing, something I should do..

Oh shit.

I forgot to ring the boys and Suzie.. SHE'S GOING TO CASTRATE ME. I may have killed her best friend for Gods sake..

My fingers fumbled with the cell phone typing in Louis number.

"Hey hey girlfr-" He started before I cut him off.

"Dude I'm at the hospital with Emilie, she's hurt and I need you, the boys and Suzie here NOW!" I said quickly. Louis knew I was serious, he could act like an actual adult when he needs to which is like.. once every never. I heard Louis shouting something to whoever was in the background, people moving around and most importantly Suzie threatening me. She was getting louder too.

"We'll be there as soon as we can." Louis said quickly before hanging up on before Suzie could get the phone. I was grateful for that. I don't think I would be able to handle Suzie right now, I feel bad enough without her making me feel worse. And even though she's a girl, she scares the crap outta me..

It wasn't long until the boys and Suzie arrived. I was still staring at the walls.

"What. Did. You. Do?" Suzie said quietly. She looks like she's going to kill me. Her hands are balled into fists trying to keep self control I guess.

"She fell." I stated simply, looking at her directly for the first time. She cracked, and went for me, I quickly covered my face, expecting the worse from the crazed girl. But nothing happened. I looked up to see Zayn and Liam on either side of Suzie holding her back, she looked down, ashamed, and that's when I saw the little droplets running down her cheeks and onto the pale floor. Louis was sitting beside me and I hadn't noticed until now but I was crying too.

We sat there for a while in complete silence, Louis sat with me while I cried without making a sound. The door opened and the doctor came in.

"Are you all here for Ms. Emilie Thorne?" The doctor asked, looking up from his clipboard.

"Yes." I said, jumping up from my chair, "Is she going to be okay?"

"Well, she has lost a lot of blood, and unfortunately her blood type, AB negative, is very rare. And we have no donors at the moment." He said, looking at his clipboard again.

"Has anybody that blood type?" I asked looking at the boys and Suzie. They all shook their heads.

"I have!" Niall said excitedly, taking a bite from his sandwich. Where did he get fo- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THEY HAVE THE SAME BLOOD TYPE.

Soory I'm pretty late updating but I've been writing it for 3 straight hours.. With twitter breaks every 30 second.. shup okay its addicting, DONT JUDGE ME.

But anyshmays, Comment, Vote and all that shizz and the next chapter will be up Sunday! (: Love y'all. :)

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