Chapter 22.

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Oh and by the way, what do you want to happen after this. I can end it here and now if you want? I WANT FEEDBACK. LEAVE ME SOME SEXIIEE COMMENTS. :D Like you. ;)

Love y'all, enjoy.

**Emilie's P.O.V**

Well.. At least they still had clothes on..

Oh wait..

They were still making out. Ha. Wait this isn't funny.. My best friends are making out..

I opened my mouth to make my presence known but no noise came out. I could feel the steady flow of tears making their way down my face when Harry looked up momentarily and saw me, a look of guilt creeping over his perfect features. I tried to speak again, putting more effort into it this time, but the words that came out were indecipherable. Although nothing was spoken, I had managed to gain Suzie's attention. Whatever Suzie tried to say came out as a slurred line of words jumbled together. She hadn't even finished her sentence before she passed out on the bed beside Harry.

I sighed, knowing that she would be out cold for the rest of the night, and returned my gaze to meet Harry, who was glancing between Suzie and I, contemplating who to attend to first.

**Harry's P.O.V**

Oh my God. What have I just done? I didn't mean for this to happen. She just came on to me! I didn't even have time to react when Emilie opened the door. I seriously hope she's okay. She looks absoloutly heartbroken, I think I just ruined my chances, oh, Suzie just collapsed.

Where'd Emilie go? 

**Emilie's P.O.V**

I had left the room before he had a chance to react to the situation thrown in front of him. I stumbled down the hallway until I came to a door and flung it open without hesitation, to reveal a startled Liam. I closed the door behind me quietly and layed back against it, sliding down the door slowly until I reached the ground and collapsed in a heap.

With my back still resting against the door, I reluctantly lifted my head up and locked eyes with Liam. As soon as he noticed my expression he apologized to Danielle, who he was talking to over the phone. He flung the phone on the bed before quickly enveloping my now shaking body in his arms, trying desperately to calm me.

"Em- Emilie look at me." Liam demanded, his voice authoritive. When I didn't raise my head he did it for me, gently tilting my head upwards. "Emilie, what happened?"

"Harry and Suzie." I sniffled.

"Please tell me they didn't.." He said, railing off.

"They did." I whimpered.

I looked up at Liam once again, he looked deep in thought. His eyebrows were bunched together, his forehead creased. After a while he just sighed and continued rubbing my back soothingly, while I just sat their staining his checked shirt with my tears.

It was at least 10 minutes before I had calmed down enough to pronounce my words like a proper human being. When I did I don't think it's what Liam was hoping to hear.

"L-Liam, I don't think I can take care of they boys for the rest of the night, could you please do it for me?" I asked politely. Attempting to do the 'puppy dog' expression. 

He sighed. "Fine, your lucky I love you!"

I let out a faint laugh. "I love you too Li, now go before one of them fall through a window or pees in the living room."

He just laughed before placing a gentle kiss on my forehead and exiting the room slowly. No more tears fell after he left. I know what your thinking 'All this over a boy?' Right? Well he's not just a boy. He was my best friend and so was she. He promised he would never hurt me again and look at our current situation. He kissed me and then went off with my best friend who right now should be getting me ice-cream, not be passed out due to alcohol.

I made my way to my bedroom. Careful not to be noticed by ether Harry or anyone else in the house. One I was there I quickly but quietly closed the door, trying my very best not to let the hinges squeak.

I made my way towards the en suite that I had in my bedroom. Luck me, eh?

Emotionlessly I turned and locked the bathroom door behind me. I rummaged through the door until I found what I was looking for; A blade.

I looked in the mirror once again. I can't believe it's come to this. It's all just too much for me to hadle. I know my life hasn't been the best, but I never thought I'd be in this position.

Comments? Anyone? ..

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