Chapter 8.

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Dedicated to "xxmorethanthisxx" because she makes me happa with her awesome comments and y'know was there when I started writing this story at the begining (:


I woke up but kept me eyes closed.

Where was I?

Did they bring me to a hospital out of panic? Probably not. Suzie knew that I wasn't exactly a fan of seeing blood, especially my own, I just pass out right there and then.

Did they just leave me there? I could imagine me opening my eyes to a bunch of pissed off sluts staring back at me. But then I realised I wasn't on a floor, I was on something soft.

Someone was singing.. Harry, I thought to myself, I'd know his voice anywhere, I used to make him sing to me when we were younger. His voice was so gentle and soothing. I decided to open my eyes. I looked around, I was lying on a sofa, my head resting on Harry's lap, him stroking my hair gently while he stared at nothing in particular. He still hadn't noticed that I had woken up, which I liked.

He just kept staring off into space, singing Lego House by Ed Sheeran, to perfection. I couldn't help but get lost in his sparkling green eyes. They were simply beautiful, I couldn't help but smile to myself.

"Enjoying yourself there?" Asked Harry. I was so lost in his eyes that I never noticed he had stopped singing. I could feel my cheeks betray me as they got warmer.

"Well, let me see. My best friend drags me to a concert against my will, I get slapped in the face by a crazed fan and I passed out. So yeah, I guess you could say that I enjoyed myself." I said, laughing.

"You know you loved it." Said Harry, winking.

"When did you become such a flirt?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Since I was best friends with a girl who taught me how to flirt." He said, poking my nose.

"Yeah, well when I taught you that I wasn't implying for you to use it on me!" I said, slapping his hand away from my nose. He knew I didn't like people poking my nose.. Or tickling me. Or anything else that involves human contact. Unless it was him. I was always comfortable around him because we were so close.

"Mind telling me what happened after I blacked out?" I asked, sitting up and resting my head on his shoulder. I expected to have a headache, I assume my head connected with the floor pretty hard since I wasn't really conscious at the time, and obviously, unable to break my own fall.

"Well, me being the Prince Charming that I am," He said, smirking. "I caught you before you split your head open."

"Prince Charming? Really Harry? Really?"

"Yes. Now I do believe a 'Thank You Harry' is necessary."

"Yeah, I'll thank you when you improve your flirting skills." I say, sticking my tongue out at him like a child. He laughed.

"You shouldn't have said that." He said, I knew this wasn't going to be good, he had that spark in his eyes. He leaned forward and I felt my heart pick up speed. I'm surprised he couldn't hear it through my chest! Wait what? Why am I nervous, 'Its just Harry.' I said to myself trying to get my heart back to its normal rhythm again.

His face was inches from mine, my attempts to calm myself down were failing and I thought I was going to start hyperventilating. He's never had this kind of affect on me before. WHATS WRONG WITH ME?! Maybe its not Harry, maybe I'm having a heart attack? Or a stroke? Yeah, that must be it.

His face moved to the side of my head and I could feel his hot breath on my neck, sending shivers down my back. I want him. Did I just think that? No, it has to be a side effect of the heart attack I'm most likely having.

"You really shouldn't have done that." He whispered.

What he did next was unexpected.

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