Chapter 14. (Part Two)

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Dedicated to 'xxmorethanthisxx' Because I havn't dedicated a chapter to her in FOREVER. And she's been there since I first put this story up.. which was like, 3 weeks ago? (: And I already have over 100 votes and 3,500 reads! INSANITY. (:


Y'know whats awesome? Flashmobs.

**In The Previous Chapter**

"Oh yeah, sorry. Just zoned out there for a minute." He said, attempting a smile. "Anyways, how about we go out tonight, just the two of us?" He asked.



Hmm.. what to say, what to say. He was my best friend. But he had hurt me. He wouldn't do it again would he? I sure hope not.

Life is all about taking risks though.

"Sure." I said, smiling up at him, I was tall but he was taller. "But first, PANCAKES." I said, in all seriousness. I was promised pancakes ten minutes ago and he hadn't even started making them yet. Tsk tsk. This boy.

"So," I said as Harry started to make the pancakes. "Where are we going?" I'm not going to lie, I was really looking forward to this, and I needed to know what to wear as well, I'm hardly going to show up at a fancy restaurant in rags or a McDonalds in a fancy dress?

"Its a surprise." He said, flicking some flour onto my clothes.

"I hate surprises!" I whined, grabbing handful of flour and dropping it onto his perfectly styled curls. I stood back admiring what I had done to his hair. What I wasn't expecting was him to grab the carton of milk and spill it down my top.



I grabbed 3 eggs, I broke one on top of his head once again, the other I threw at his stomach. The last one was a bit off target, hitting the wall opposite us.

We were there for about ten minutes throwing random food items at each other when someone rudely interrupted us.

"STOP!" Someone shouted.

"Oh, err, hi Liam." Harry said shyly, rubbing the back of his head.

"Clean it up.. Now." He said, walking away. That's when I burst out laughing, I just couldn't help it, the look on Harry's face was absolutely priceless.

"I don't know why your laughing, you have to help me clean this up with me." Crap. I hate cleaning.

He turned around to grab a cloth and threw it at me, hitting me in the face.

"Go clean yourself up, I'll do the kitchen, I still have to make pancakes anyways."He sais, smiling as he turned around to re-make the pancake mixture. Awh he was so sweet.

It took me way longer than planned to get all of the food out of my hair, another thing I realised is that I was at the Boys house (no duh) and I had no clothes to change into except for my dress. Hmm.

But that didn't matter right now, what matters is that I kissed my best friend who right now was downstairs making me pancakes. Could life get any sweeter?

"PANCAKESS!" I screamed, running at Harry and kissing him on the cheek, he smiled showing both dimples and looked at the floor.. Wait.. Was he.. WAS HE BLUSHING?! AWW. I think my heart just exploded. I pinched his cheeks and took my place at the table, these pancakes were gorgeous. It had to be said.

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