Chapter 4.

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Dedicated again to "xxmorethanthisxx" cause she's just so nice, I think I'll dedicate the whole story to her actually, she's so awesome and random (:

**Suzies P.O.V**

When the man from security came to bring us to meet the boys I was extremely excited. Emilie on the other hand? Yeah, not so much. In all honesty she looked like she was about to puke.. Not. Good. She was very pale and trying to cover her face with her hair.

"Emilie, you okay?" I asked, worried.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Just don't do anything to attract attention to me.. at all."

"What? why?"

"Cause.. Umm, I'm not the biggest One Direction fan and I wouldn't want to draw attention away from the fans who've been waiting ages to see them.." She replied, uncertainly.

"Well.. Okay, if you say so.."

**Emilies P.O.V**

I'm very proud of myself for coming up with such a believable excuse, when I'm done here, I'm going to give myself a pat on the back. Then, the security man opened the door, and I immediately looked at the ground again as if it were the most fascinating thing I've ever seen.

We walked into the room, I took a glance around the room, looking for a place to sit, or stand without being noticed, that's when I saw them, the five members of One Direction, sitting together, laughing away at a joke someone must have told. I felt my eyes fill up, and my vision got blurry. Harry was there right in front of my eyes. Laughing. He's completely forgotten about me and moved on, just like I knew he would. I turned to Suzie and told her I would be outside, and for her not to follow me, no matter what, not to come out until it was their time to leave. Thank God she knew better than not to argue with me. I turned and ran as quickly as I could out of the room and down the hallway.

I just sat there crying, and I don't know why. I knew he had moved on, seriously, what was I expecting after 3 years?! I don't even think he saw me anyways, i let out a faint laugh to myself and just continued crying. I was still crying when someone interrupted my thoughts.

"Umm, are you okay?" I heard someone say to me.

"Yup, just fine." I reply, not looking up.

"Then, if you don't mine me asking, why did you run out of the room like that?"

"Huh? Oh.. crap.." Standing in front of me was one of the boys from One Direction.. Liam? Yeah. Him.

"Thought nobody noticed?" he asked, slightly amused.

"Well, that's what I was hoping for." I reply my voice small.

"So, you wanna tell me what your crying about?"

"Well not particularly, but long story short, a friend of yours reminded me of someone i used to know and well.. It wasn't exactly a happy memory."

"Oh.. well whoever it is, they don't deserve your tears, now come on we're going back to the room whether you like it or not." I groaned at his response, reluctantly got up off the floor and followed him back to the room.

"Emeliee! Your back!" Squealed Suzie as I walked into the room with Liam. He smiled, while I on the other hand, not liking the attention, flushed deep red, and hurried over to Suzie as quickly as i could, still keeping my head down.

There were sofa's all over the room, 5 of them i believe i counted in total. I sat down beside Suzie in one that was separated a bit from the rest of them. She was sitting beside one of the boys whom I believe to be Louis? She looked so happy, and I didn't want to ruin it with all my negativity so I put this huge plastic smile on my face.

"Hi, my names Louis." Said the boy sitting beside Suzie.

"Emilie." I replied, he seemed nice.

"Emilie.. That name sounds familiar, he said.

"Well you do have millions of fans, I assume I'm not the only Emilie out there." I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"Guess so but sti- Hey.. where did you get that necklace?" He asked, pointing towards the necklace that Harry had given me.. Oh shit.. How was i going to answer this? Harry had it specially made and he had the other half..

"I umm.."

Hehe, yeah thats all your gonna get for this chapter I'm afraid. Since I usually make this up as I go along I have a bit of Writers block, but I'll sit down and think about it and make a way for it all to fit together in the next chapter (: So yeah, leave a comment with your suggestions ect, ect. Lovin y'all, Buh byee.

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