Chapter 14. (Part One)

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Dedicated too.. 'AllTimeNutella'  Because, if I'm not mistaken, she likes Dan and Phil. Therefore. SHE IS AWESOME.

And fyi peoples, this is gonna be a long story in general.. I mean.. Its chapter 13 and they've only just kissed.. I could be writing this for years.. Btw, @xxmorethanthisxx I HAVN'T FORGOTTEN ABOUT YOU, I'll dedicate a chapter to you very soon! (:

**In The Previous Chapter**

He hesitated for a minute then took a step towards me, only then did I realise how close we actually were, my thoughts were interrupted by Harry, who while I was thinking silly thoughts, leaned in and kissed me.

Holy crap I'm kissing Harry.


I can't believe it, I was kissing Harry Styles. Also known as MY. BEST. FRIEND. After Suzie of course but I WAS KISSING MY BEST FRIEND. Who does that ? Speaking of Suzie she's going to fucking kill me. Or Harry. Oh no.. SHE'S GOING TO KILL HARRY.

But it's wrong. You cant just go around kissing your best friend. But I can't say that anymore can I? No. Because then I would be a hypocrite.

This couldn't even be classified as a kiss anymore, it was a full make-out session in the boys hallway. Snogging.. hehe.  

I never want it to end. Ever.

But sooner or later one of us will have to pull away, and it sure as hell won't be me, this may never happen again and I'm going to savour every moment of it. As always, I'm not a very lucky person.

We were interrupted by Louis clearing his throat, looking at us with a silly grin on his face, whatever about Harry, he's never going to let me live this down. 

**Harry's P.O.V**

"Harry, hurry up, I WANT PANCAKES!" She shouted from the other side of my bedroom door. She always loved pancakes and I loved cooking, it was a win win situation really.

I opened the door to see her standing there.. she was just so beautiful.. So, I leaned in and kissed her.. I JUST COULDN'T HELP MYSELF. But as per usual, Louis had to ruin the moment. Thanks mate, thanks a lot.

**Emelie's P.O.V**

Louis coughed and we both jumped away from acting overly casual, Harry whistling some random tune and looking around the hallway, but you could see his cheeks slowly turning a bright shade of red. I was no different, I couldn't see it but I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks. Darn it.

Louis just stood there.. staring at us, suspicion written all over his face. He was making me really uncomfortable with that stare. I shifted my weight over to my other leg and waited for someone to break the silence, and when I realised nobody  was going to speak, I did.

"So.. pancakes?" I said looking at Harry expectantly. I don't give a hoot what happened, Louis could have walked in on us naked in bed together, I still would have asked for pancakes.

"Yes, pancakes." Harry replied, a smile tugging at his lips, but still trying to keep a moderately serious face. We linked arms and walked past Louis, whose jaw looked like it was about to hit the floor.

We stopped momentarily beside Louis, I smiled at him politely, before raising my hand to raise his jaw to close his open mouth.

"We wouldn't want a fly getting in there now would we?" I winked at him before making my way down to the kitchen with Harry, his hand comfortably around my waist.

When we get to the kitchen I realised that we wern't the only ones awake, the other boys and Suzie were all gathered around the table eating cereal.. CEREAL. HA! I get pancakes, in yo' faces! They weren't focused on their cereal though, their eyes were glued to Harry's arm which was still wrapped around my waist..

"Umm, Harry, you might wanna move your hand, it might give them ideas." I whispered to Harry.

"Dint worry hun, our cover shall be blown in about 3 seconds." He said, his eyes moving over to the stairs on the other side of the room, and as if on cue, Louis was running down them. Shock still obvious on his face, I think it just now registered with him that we were... *mental cough* umm.. snogging.

Everyone just stared at Louis who, by the time he had made it to the table, was pretty out of breath.

"GUYS." He shouted, a bit too loudly, we were all in the same room y'know. "They were making out!" He said pointing toward Harry and I. I immediately looked to Suzie.. she wasn't impressed, I had just gotten out of a relationship like.. 2 days ago? Yeah... whoops?

"Harry, may I speak to you for a minute?" She asked. This shall not end well.

"Yeahh sure." Harry said, completely oblivious to whats going to happen next. What will happen next? Not now, but after Suzie has her little 'conversation' with him. The walked off to the corner of the room, where they had some privacy.

I couldn't hear what she was saying, but while her expression didn't change one bit during her speech, Harry's sure did.

His face visibly paled, whatever Suzie was saying must be horrifying. She's probably describing his decomposing body after she scoops out his eyes with forks and ties him on a railway track in front of an oncoming train or something along those lines. But worse, she's known for being slightly graphic when it comes to killing people. I don't think she noticed.. But other people defiantly did.

Suzie walked back towards the table ahead of Harry.

"You can trust him." She said quietly, obviously happy with herself.

Harry then walked over, after he had regained his composure. But he still seemed a bit shaken by whatever Suzie had said to him.

"What the hell did she say?" I asked. "Its all empty threats, don't listen." I think I was trying to convince myself more than him really.

"Oh y'know the usual Sulfuric Acid, Castration, blunt knives.." He trailed off, the look of horror returning to his face..

"Harry.. Harry?" I said, snapping my fingers in front of his face, trying to wake him from his daydream.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Just zoned out there for a minute." He said, attempting a smile. "Anyways, how about we go out tonight, just the two of us?" He asked.


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