Chapter 12.

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Dedimicated too "1Dfan_2012" Becauuussee.. I just chose a fan at random.. I'm running out of poeple.. lol no I'm not. :P

Okay, sooo, I have decided that instead of waiting for 50 reads before I upload, that I will make. A schedule. Thats right. IMMA BE ORGANIZED. So. I figured that I would upload every Thursday and Sunday, since today is Thursday. I just cant keep up with the reads people! Im sorry, but twice a week aint so bad. (:

Oh and dont think that I don't stalk all your profiles and see this in yo' libraries. SHARIN THE LOVE. (: Makes me so happieee. Love y'all.

Mai storii..

**In The Precious Chapter**

When we were finished our food we decided it was late enough to go to sleep, Liam directed me to Harry's room and left. I knocked on the door "Harry? I'm staying in your room tonight."

"Kay just come in!"

I walked in to see Harry.

Standing there.


Oh damn.


"DUDE." I shouted covering my eyes, but not after taking a peek. Hehe.



"But I-" He tried to say before I cut him off.

"You are NOT sleeping naked. CLOTHES. NOW." I demanded. "Tell me when it's safe to look. I'm seriously gonna need to bleach my eyes after this."

"Oh you know you loved it." He said cheekily, I knew he was smirking to himself.

"Want me to get a Kleenex to wipe that smirk off your face?" I asked.

"How did you know?"

"It's not hard to tell." I replied.

"You can look now." He said with a little laugh. "You could have looked anyways, my sexiness should be shared with the world." He winked. I rolled my eyes in response.

"Y'know, your eyes are gonna fall out of your head if you keep doing that." He said pointing to my eyes.

"Yeah well.. your lips will fall off if you keep smirking like that." I said pointing to his lips.

"If they havn't fallen off yet then they'll never fall off."

"I need clothes to sleep in." I said, realizing that I had no pyjamas with me, and I certainly wasn't sleeping in this dress.

"You could sleep naked?" Harry said winking at me. "Here, I'll even help you." He said, starting to unzip my dress.

"DUDE." I shouted, laughing while trying to slap away his hands. I was used to this kind of thing, Harry always had a dirty mind, and I don't think being best friends with 4 boys helped that much.

"Finee." He groaned waling over to what I assume was his closet and throwing me an over-sized v-neck t-shirt and trousers. I went into the en suite to change, I tied a knot around the t-shirt and the waist of the trousers to keep them up.

"Harry?" I shouted at him from inside the en suite.

"Yeah?" He shouted back.

"Is it safe to come out?" I wasn't taking any more chances, I've already seen more than enough tonight.

"Yes Emilie, its safe." He obviously liked the fact that he has just scarred my innocent mind forever.

I walked into the room to find Harry already in bed, sitting up. He wasn't wearing a shirt and I couldn't help but stare at him.. DON'T JUDGE ME. I'm a girl and he's hot, give me freaking break.

"Like the view?" He asked, amused.

"Oh you mean the one from the living room? Yeah it's beautiful, you can see the whole city!" I answered politely. Hey, he did ask if I liked the view.


"You asked." I said, getting into the bed beside him, its not as if I was going sleeping on the floor. I was just about to fall asleep when something made me feel quite uncomfortable. "Umm.. Harry?" I asked.


"Are you naked again?" Oh no.


"DUDE. CLOTHES." I shouted. I'm staying in Liams room next time, that's for sure.

"Do I have to?" He whined. Child.

"Yes. Now go, before I go stay with Liam." That made him jump for some reason. It was dark in the room so I didn't see anything.. Unpleasant.. When he was finished putting on some clothes, which Im surprised he even owns since it looks like he's not fond of wearing them, we went to sleep.


I woke up to the sound of Harry singing, again. More Than This. I like that song. He was.. Wait, was he petting my head? Aww.

"Do you always sing when your bored?" I asked, smiling at him.

"What makes you think I'm bored? I'm perfectly entertained right here." Aww. This dude was going to be the death of me, I swear.

We just laid there smiling at each other, his eyes were so perfect. We were inches apart, it was like last night, but no screaming fans, no one to interrupt us, just Harry and I. Alone.

Without realising it, we were both leaning in again..


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