Chapter 16.

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Dedicated to 'arielaxoxo' Cause her fanfic.. Oh my God.. her fanfic.

But anyways, thank y'all so much for reading my crappy story, feel free to message or chat me ANYTIME. (: Lateer my lovlies! (:

 .∞. .❤.

**In The Previous Chapter.**

"Has anybody that blood type?" I asked looking at the boys and Suzie. They all shook their heads.

"I have!" Niall said excitedly, taking a bite from his sandwich. Where did he get fo- HOLY MOTHER OF GOD THEY HAVE THE SAME BLOOD TYPE.


Everyone stared at Niall incredulously. He seemed so calm eating his giant sandwich. He could have potentially saved Emilie's life.. HE COULD SAVE HER LIFE AND HE'S MORE FOCUSED ON A DAMN SANDWICH.

He seemed almost oblivious to the fact that everyone was staring at him but he proved me wrong when he raised his head, looking at nothing in particular and saying, "Could you all please stop staring at me, its getting very creepy." And lowered his head again taking another bite out of his over-sized sandwich.

There was still a small chance that Niall couldn't save Emilie, they took a sample of his blood to make sure it was a match to Emelie's, and if it was then she was in the all clear. But if it wasn't a match then.. Well I don't even want to think of what could happen to her if we couldn't get another donor.

Oh look the doctor and Nurse is here again. I'm getting pretty tired of her smile. As if she doesn't have a care in the world. She should be in my position, she wouldn't be fucking smiling then.

"We have confirmed that Mr. Horans blood is a match to Ms. Thorne' and we would like him to come with us to take an acceptable amount." The doctor said, standing aside giving extra room in the doorway for Niall to walk past. Niall hopped up eagerly, a proud grin spread across his face. I could imagine my expression was similar to his. EMILIE WAS GOING TO BA OKAY! I can't wait to see her again, her memorizing smile, that sparkle that always seemed to be in her amazing blue eyes.

She was perfect.

Wait.. How long is it going to take her to wake up after she gets the blood?..

**Emilie's P.O.V**


Where the hell was I?

I tried opening my eyes but failed miserably, it was too much effort for me right now.

Maybe I should try to remember what happened first so that I won't seem like a helpless penguin when I do open my eyes.

First of all, why the heck does my head hurt so much? All I can focus on is the dull throbbing pain in the back of my skull. And some sort of steady beeping noise in the background.

I need paracetamol. Stat.

Wait.. Pain.. Head.. Oh I remember now, I fell and smashed my head when i was ice skating with Harry, well.. That was embarrassing. I have the elegance of a blindfolded elephant to say the least.

I tried opening my eyes again, this time I made progress, but as I peeled my eyes apart I was immediately blinded by a bright white light. Even though all I wanted to do was close my eyes and go back to sleep again I knew I couldn't. I was curious to see what Suzie had done to Harry. Even though this wasn't his fault at all, she probably wouldn't listen. I bet that poor boy was missing a very important part of his anatomy at this stage.

As I looked around I took in my surroundings. I was in a little white room that smelled of cleaning products. I was in a hospital? I hit my head that hard? Ah hell. I spotted the boys and Suzie sitting in a line of chairs against the wall, Suzie was sitting on Nialls lap. I need to have a little chat with her to see whats going on there. Zayn was asleep as well his legs sprawled across Liam and his head in Louis lap, no offence to them but they looked pretty bad, they needed the sleep.

Wait. Where's Harry?

I tried lifting my arm but something was weighing it down, I looked down to see a curly mess of hair lying on top of my arm, n'awwhhh, lil Haz is asweep. I won't lie, he was pretty adorable when he slept.

I tried lifting my arm again, careful not to wake him up, but of course, with my luck. He woke up.

"Emilie!" He whispered, he looked shocked, but a smile was slowly making its way to his face.


"Your awake!" He exclaimed, hugging me with extreme care, it was as if I was the most fragile thing in the world. When he let go of me he started poking my face gently. "I'm not dreaming right." He said, still poking my face.

"Yes Haz I'm awake and no you're not dreaming." I say, giggling as I swatted his arm away.

Just then Zayn decided that it was the appropriate moment to fall of Liam and Louis and onto the floor. Shouting loudly as he did so.

"Ugh, Zayn, you landed on my foot." Louis groaned, kicking Zayn playfully.

"I'm fine thanks." Zayn says sarcastically, standing up and dusting himself off. His eyes widened as soon as he saw me. "EMILIE!" He shouted, staring at me in disbelief.

Suzie's eyes shot open at the mention of my name. "Emilie, Emilie, Emilie, Emilieee!!" She squealed, making her way over to my bed and hugging me, a bit more harshly than Harry, but not crushing me.

"Hi!" I said hugging Suzie back and waving at the boys shyly. Liam and Niall had woken up and now everyone was gathered around my bed. I noticed Niall had a white bandage on his arm.

"NIall, what happened to your arm." I asked, it wasn't big but I still wanted to know what happened.

"Oh that." He said, smiling knowingly to himself.

"He's inside you now." Louis said, winking at me and smiling widely at me.

"Louis.. LOUIS. Stop! That's creepy." I said, hitting Louis playfully. "Seriously what happened?" Directing the question at no one in particular. Harry was the one who decided to answer me.

"You lost a lot of blood and Niall was the only one with the same type as you." Harry said, caressing my hand soothingly.

"Y'know, the stuff that's going to your cheeks right now?" Louis said, poking my cheek. He's right, I was blushing right now, I felt embarrassed that Niall had to give me blood, I must have created such a fuss.

"I want to see if she gets any of Nialls superpowers." Louis exclaims excitedly. Of course everyone looked at him as though he was insane. "Y'know, freakishly fast metabolism, the Irish accent.." He said again, trailing off at the end.

"Now that I think of it freakishly fast metabolism would be pretty cool." Everyone just laughed in response. Its not like I was lying, I knew I wouldn't magically gain is un-naturally fast motabolism but it would be awesome if I could.

Just then the doctor came in.

"Ah, Ms Thorne, I see your awake, well that's a good sign." No duh. He did the usual, follow the flashlight, gave me some pills for the pain, which I was grateful for. What I didn't expect him to say was, "Okay I would like everyone except Mr. Horan to leave the room please." What? Why? Did Niall raid the hospital kitchen or something? By the looks of it everyone was just as confused as I was, Niall included.

The next thing he said, changed everything.

(: Hope you enjoyed, I know its not great, but I do update twice a week, thats more than most poeple! Anyways, thanks for reading, next update will be Thursday! (:

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