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alexa's pov

"wake up! we're about to land!" laura says waking me from my sleep. i open my eyes to this unfamiliar place and i yawn. i can't believe i slept through the whole plane ride, that never happens. before laura could say another word i opened the small airplane window next to me to reveal the beautiful city of los angeles, god it was breathtaking. the same flight attendant came over the speaker again and announced we would be landing shortly, this is so exciting.

california is nothing like england, it's very sunny and barely has any rain. i wonder what the people are like too, everyone thats been to america has said they're very rude and flat; but we'll see. my phone vibrates and i pick it up showing that someone had texted me, i pick it up and it's from charlie:

from: charles 💛✨
why didn't you tell me you were leaving today?

to: charles 💛✨
i'm sorry, goodbyes are always the hardest for me.

i look at the text message and sigh, charlie has been my crush ever since sixth year, he was the funniest one and never failed to make anyone smile. i always put myself out there, being one of the most social people and we immediately clicked. i thought we were going to grow old together and have a little flat by the beach but clearly things change. you see, charlie and i decided to start dating right after we graduated, it was perfect... at least i thought it was. but secretly he was hooking up with someone else on the side and i found them together in an alleyway. ever since then things haven't been the same, we talked about it and deep down i wanted to truly forgive him, but i don't think i can.

laura looked over my shoulder and sees who i'm texting then immediately grabs my phone and sits on it. "hey!" i say trying to push her but she doesn't budge.

"we don't have time for boys! alexa we're in AMERICA! didn't you say you wanted to forget about your past?" she says looking at me. i sigh and nod, gathering all my things and putting it to the seat next to me, i guess it is time for a true fresh start. my mind always gets in the way of things, i try to live my life to the very fullest but theres always something in between. my phone vibrates but laura doesn't budge, which i find really annoying but i know it's for the best. i glance at the window once more to see that we're slowly coming down, i smile to myself and play with my nails.

our plane successfully landed and everyone started to get up, i didn't want to clog the aisles getting my things from the compartment above me so i just sat and waited, laura did the same. once everyone piled out, we all stood up and got our remaining bags out of the compartment above. i can't explain how excited i am to live here. theres just so many new opportunities.

laura and i made our way out of the plane the other two trailed behind us. as soon as we got out of the bridge connecting our plane and the airport, i rushed around the airport trying to find some type of food. before i left, i had my cash converted to american dollars and i was a still confused about the currency, but they had numbers on them. i stumbled across this cafe called chipotle. weird. it smelled alright so i went inside and i could see everyone else coming in behind me. (i know they have chipotle in england but just bare with me.) once i got inside i scanned the menu and ordered a bowl customizing it with what i wanted in it. i waited for laura, lexi and leah to order before we made it over to a table. i took a sip of my water and removed the plastic fork from its wrapping.

i dug in and received many different emotions; this was not how food was supposed to taste. it tasted cheap and just.. gross. i spat it out and the others laughed at me, since they didn't seem to mind it. i've always been a picky eater, i make an effort to try new things but it never tastes good to my standards. the rest of the time we were there i sipped on my water and scrolled through my phone. i managed to figure out the timezone and converted it to military time.

once everyone else was done, we made our way to get our luggage. i finally found my three floral luggages, i waited for the others next to an outlet because my phone was at 10%. "do you mind if i share this outlet with you?" a boy with brown hair and wore all black asked me,
"uh sure." i responded
"are you british?" he asks plugging in his phone charger, the phone screen lightening up.
"yeah, i'm moving here" i say with a toothy smile, which i never give; he smiles back. he has really white teeth.

"alexa lets go!" laura says yelling at me in my direction.
"thats my key to go, nice meeting you... " i say trailing off realizing he never told me his name.
"david." he said flashing the same toothy grin.
"well nice to meet you david, but sadly i have to go." i wave goodbye and grab all my luggage rolling it behind me.
maybe all the rumours ive heard about americans aren't true.

"who was that?" lexi asks me once we get inside our taxi, leah putting the address in the gps.
"um, his name was david." i say shrugging my shoulders, realizing i'm probably never going to see him again, which is a shame.

the car ride was rather peaceful, since we were all really jetlagged from the long plane ride. traffic in la was utterly horrible, but i expected that. we finally made it to our apartment complex and started to unpack all of our things from the trunk. laura was the most grumpy out of all of us, i could tell since she hit me in the head with her luggage and didn't even apologize. i'm probably growing a large lump on the bad of my head now.

before anyone else can, i jog up to the front desk, "hey i'm alexa lucas and i'm renting apartment H43."

"oh hello! let me get your keys and i'll show you upstairs." the lady says nicely. i thank her and grab my bags following her with everyone else behind me.
we all struggle to get into the small lift but eventually we get to the fourth floor. we walk down the narrow hallway and we stop at the second farthest door to the right, "here you go!" she says unlocking the door. we all step in and are left in awe, it's so big and has so many big windows.

"this is lovely thank you!" i say smiling at the lady, that's the second time i've smiled like this; maybe america is really changing me.

"okay but before this problem occurs i have to say that your next door neighbors are very loud, i can't even count the number of times we've had complaints about them." she says giving a sympathetic look.

i bet they're not horrible.

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