thirty two

537 14 2


FOR AWHILE THE ROOM WAS SILENT, everyone was awkwardly looking at each other and thinking about what to say. David's expression went blank once he saw me, which made me wonder what he was thinking. Were they all not informed that I was going to be here?

"Hey y'all" Zane says walking through the door and looks at us all, but he smiles once he sees me walking towards the corner of the couch I was sitting at, "Alexa babygirl where have you been? I've missed you. It's been so boring without you with us!" Zane was always one of my favorite people, he always greeted me genuinely happily and was always easy to talk to.

Everyone seems to knock out of the trance we were in and out of the corner of my eye I can see David catch one more glance of me. The tension between me, Alex, and David was weird and uncomfortable, but hopefully it would be bearable. Zane and I talk a little more before Matt joins us. These were the two people I always enjoyed to see, they seemed to support me and manage me when I needed it, sort of like protective but laidback brothers.

"How was England?" Matt asks looking towards me.

"It was good, I saw Ryan and Charlie along with my other friends." Ryan and I got along very well when I came over, he seemed to get over me. Matt, Zane and I carry on conversation while everyone else in the room converses, waiting for Todd to find a movie to rent.


The tension between Alexa and I was unbearable, all I wanted to do was talk to her about everything and anything. Which might sound bad since I have a girlfriend now, but it's nothing serious. She wasn't like her, nobody would ever be like her. I'm so stupid for breaking up with her, it was a mistake. Every now and then I would glance at her talking to Zane and Matt, who I was extremely jealous of right now. They acted so nice to her and maybe they are being genuine, but I don't trust them. She deserves good friends but not them.

She lays her head onto Matt's shoulder and Zane starts a argument jokingly asking why she didn't pick his shoulder. She laughs quietly and shoves him away, going to Matt who laughs and pulls her closer near him.

"Are you ok?" Kate asks me looking at me, which makes me look away from them and focus myself towards her.

"Yeah I'm fine, why?"

"You're clenching your jaw and you seem tense," she replies searching my face for some more clues. I smile lightly at her and shake it off, trying to focus back on the TV screen. Todd was trying to look for a movie while Laura was getting impatient and yelling at him.

My eyes then trailed to David, who was sitting next to Liza in the other corner of the couch. He seemed to be looking at the same person I was just a couple minutes ago. His expression was blank but I could tell he was jealous looking at the three people. Surprisingly, Liza wasn't paying attention to him and was sparking up a conversation with Leah.

"Do you guys have any movie suggestions?" Todd asks looking at the big group crammed onto the couch. (Everybody else arrived, btw.) Nobody said anything so Todd rolls his eyes and continues scrolling through the movies.

"Scary, comedy, or romance?" Laura asks and there was a mix of responses, but we decide on a scary movie. Then again, I look over at the dark-haired girl who's complaining about the genre choice. Matt says something to her and she laughs, pulling the small blanket over her more.

Finally, Todd picks a movie. The Exorcist, great. We all face towards the TV together and I hold Kate close, but kept my eye on the girl across from me.

Everyone screams as another jump-scare flashing on the screen, making us move closer towards each other. I've noticed that David wasn't in the room anymore, leaving Liza and everyone else here without him. At first I want to go look for him, but he emerges from one of the back rooms holding something in one hand and his camera in the other. Scott was with him, giggling as he takes the camera from him. I pretend to not notice but move closer towards the door, hoping whatever it was wouldn't kill the people on the couch.

Suddenly, David throws the cylinder object in front of the coffee table making everyone move quickly away myself included. Just like I predicted, there was an array of colours coming out of it, meaning it was a smoke bomb. There was a lot of coughs and I noticed Alexa run out to the balcony Matt running behind her. Everyone else was cursing at David trying to get the smoke to disperse but soon enough the smoke detectors went off, making an alarm sound.


"David you piece of shit!" Laura yells and walks out the door heading downstairs where everyone else was going. "We're going to get evicted David you're so stupid."

Not close behind the group was Alexa with Matt, coughing. She spots David and runs to catch up to him saying, "If we get evicted we get your house." He laughs, saying something to her inaudible because of the loud noise and she smiles, laughing softly. Liza tries to get his attention, but he's busy looking at the girl next to him.

The large group makes their way down the long staircase with everyone else in the building, waiting to see if the friends from England would get evicted from their short-lasting apartment. Behind them all Alex follows with his new girlfriend, Kate, who's arguing with him about something that couldn't be heard by the people in front. It ends up in the silent treatment, as they make their way down to the lobby.

There, Alexa meets the landlord who's watching them closely. He makes the people living in the apartment walk outside with him, David arguing to come with them. The man sighs and lets him, leading the group of four outside. Everyone else in the group is left inside waiting for when the alarm would shut off, since everyone knew that it was just one of David's pranks.

Finally the argument ends outside and they make their way back inside, shaking their heads. David talks to Alexa in a low tone, trying to say how sorry he is but she shakes it off. "How can I make this better? You guys can live in my house for real until you find another apartment."

thank u so much for reading. i love you guys so so much thank you for 8k reads. <3
twitter: @ tableslayer88

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