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before this starts i'm really sorry that this is terribly written, i did it really quickly but i promise next chapter is going to be wayyy better and is going to have a different layout. love u pls vote xoxo

alexa's pov

i walk into the familiar apartment i stayed in the night before, but this time i wasn't with david, i was with alex. before i could say anything alex says, "i'm sorry."

i gulp and sit down on the couch, looking at his blue eyes, "you hurt me alex, you really did."

"i know, i know, it was me going back to old habits but i'm never like that. you can ask anyone too, they were all taken a back" he replies looking at his hands. i'm glad hes not looking back at me straight in the face, because that would make me nervous and i wouldn't be able to carry on this conversation.

"it doesn't matter now. you have lexi, and i have david."

"that's the thing alexa, david doesn't deserve you," untrue. "you're just a rebound! his ex girlfriend broke up with him right before you arrived." why didn't he tell me?

"alex, it doesn't matter to me anymore, okay? all i've done was cause trouble between you and david, which isn't worth it for me. just please talk with him so we can leave this situation alone."

"i'm trying to protect you! you don't deserve to be hurt, because once liza comes back you'll be nothing to him. but when that happens i'll be there for you. even if your british boyfriend over there and his extremely good looks can't top what i have." he finishes looking straight at me, fuck this is awkward. also, who is liza?

"i'm gonna go, see you around alex" i mumble getting up going to reach for the door. alex gets up and grabs my hand, i look back at him before pulling away and leaving.

before i enter my quiet apartment i realize charlie and ryan are in there so i quickly wipe my hot tears away, opening the door. i didn't see anyone in the living room so i peeked into my room seeing them both lightly snoring.

groupchat with leah and laura

lexi's here and she's all over david

yeah he's rejecting her so bad tho
how's it going with charlie?

fine, they're asleep. charlie brought ryan.
talking to alex too, he told me some things about david

you realize he's trying to break you and david up right

yes i know but he told me that david just broke up with his girlfriend which he never told me about

after that there was no responce and i sit alone on the couch, thinking about everything. i look at the wall that seperated our apartment with alex's, he's probably doing the same thing. we were both sad, but i wasn't going to do anything further. instead i got up, going to the bathroom to fix my hair since it was all over the place.

i brush it out and pull it into a high ponytail, making sure that theres no bumps. when i exit the bathroom i realize someone is on the couch, immediatly i know it's charlie. why does he have to do this. i try to move back into the bathroom but he turns around looking straight at me, "where are you going?"

"uh, girl problems" i say before closing the door and sitting down, grabbing my phone. someone needed to get me out of this. i was not talking to charlie since everytime i do he acts as if we're a thing and tries to get on me. i'm texting laura and leah with no response, i hesitate texting david but that'll start way to much shit. there was one person i could text, but i know i'll regret it.

someone knocks on the door and i can hear charlie shuffling around getting up. i grab my phone and leave the bathroom to see charlie standing at the door, his large figure covering up the person behind him. once he moves i can see that it's alex, thank god he came. at first i thought he didn't read it, since he never responded. i realize i didn't think this all through since i'll have to hangout with alex now, but anything is better than charlie.

"hey alex!" i say smiling pushing charlie to the side.

he looks at me confused before alex says something, "my bunny is sick and alexa knows a lot about animals, so i decided she would be the perfect one to ask."

i look at him skeptically before charlie rolls his eyes waving at us both, closing the door. that was easier than i thought. once we heard the footsteps die down i ask him, "do you actually have a bunny?"

"surprisingly yes, her name is bailey." my eyes light up and i grab alex's arm dragging him to the door, i love animals so fucking much. he smiles and i remember every reason why i liked him, his smile being one of them. alexa, stop. when he makes it to the door he pushes it open, walking to a cage. i close the door behind me and sit down, waiting for alex to come back. he walks towards me with the smallest lump of white fur, oh my god. i hesitate holding her for a second because i'm scared i'll drop her, but alex assures me that she won't move.

he plops the little bunny in my hand and i examine it, looking at it's eyes... "this is the cutest fucking thing i've ever seen." alex chuckles watching me hold bailey, his blue eyes fixated on me. this would always make me nervous, but not anymore. we sit like this for awhile before alex stirs causing me to look up from the ball of white fur.

"do you forgive me yet?" he asks softly looking at the ceiling, clutching a pillow tightly. i knew this would come up, he's really smart for bringing out this adorable animal. one point for alex.

"if i say yes then can i come over anytime i want to see bailey?" looking back at the little bunny.

"yes. i could see you more then." this time my cheeks turned a rosy red and i smiled at him, even though he wasn't looking at me. whenever alex is around me hes softer, and doesn't yell as much or do any dumb things like the night before. this is the type of alex i like, the one who isn't an asshole and has a heart.

"can't believe you'd ever say that" alex says this time looking at me with a smile plastered acrossed his face. fuck, i hate thinking out loud. but maybe that had to be said, for the both of us. he breaks the eye contact and becomes fixed on the ceiling again. bailey is sitting on my lap and i watch him, taking in all of his facial features. he was properly beautiful.

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