twenty two

486 15 2

Alexa's POV

We left Leah and Scott, letting two other people go in. I can't stop thinking about what Leah said, how much blood was there? Did she see them? It made me worried, I was shaking fiercely and I couldn't feel my feet anymore. I was cuddled in one of the blankets Alex brought for our date, which didn't go as planned.

I decide to take my phone out, trying to get my mind off of things; but instead it does the opposite. My Twitter feed was filled with fans wanting to know what was going on, and if everyone was ok. Then I realized that the only way I could assure them, was tweet off David's account. He had more followers then everyone here so I get up, stumbling at first.

Alex looks at me questionably, trying to get me to sit again. I shake my head and walk over to the front desk. When I reach the counter the lady is on the phone and she puts her finger up, signaling it would be a moment. Then I realized the only way I was going to get his phone was if I lied, so that's what I did. "Hello, my boyfriend David was just in a car wreck if you didn't know but I would appreciate it if I could have his phone... since I need to contact his family."

The nurse looks at me and cocks her eyebrow up, "We have his parents information.. but I guess it's okay." I watch her bend down and grab something, which makes a sigh of relief go through me. She hands me the black phone and I rub my fingers over the screen that was still fully in tact. There was only a couple cracks on the camera and back, which made it still useable.

I walk back into the group of people and they ignore me, too busy in their own thoughts. Surpringsly, David didn't have a password and had all of his apps on the second screen. It took me a couple seconds before finding Twitter, opening it up. For a couple minutes I sat there, thinking what to say. What do you say in these types of situations? It's not like you can just say, 'Oh! David and a couple other people got in a car crash now they're in the hospital.'

Alex has already caught onto what I was doing and gently takes the phone out my hands, typing something into the 270 character space. It takes him a minute or so before handing it back to me, and I read it.

'David, Scott, Todd, Laura, and Leah got in a car crash. Please do not freak out, they're okay. We have no further info but Scott and Leah are talking, they're fine. We'll make sure to update you guys when we have more info. -Alex and Alexa'

I gulp reading over it a couple times before sending the tweet, making me stress even more. "It's going to be okay," Alex whispers grabbing my hand again, kissing it. I look at him and give a weak smile, kissing him lightly.


It's 6 o'clock in the morning and I've gotten no sleep at all. Whenever my eyes started to drift off to sleep another nurse would rush over to another family, making my heart ache. There was that little piece of hope she would come for us, telling us more about our friends. I look around and see that it's still dark outside, but the lights of the buildings make it bright. Alex is sleeping, hand still intertwined it mine. Everyone else here was doing the same thing, taking up almost half of the lobby.

Gently, I unlaced my hand with Alex's and stood up, walking outside. The air was warm, but I still felt cold. Matt had given me his sweatshirt, making sure Alex had approved. I would never see Matt as a boyfriend, he's more like a brother to me. There was no one around me, since I was far away from the main entrance. I sat down letting my back scrape against the brick wall, probably leaving wounds. There was nothing I could do to make this any better, for myself or for them.

Maybe this is how I deal with situations like this.


I decided to come back inside a couple minutes ago and almost everyone was awake. There was probably bags under my eyes and my mascara was proabably everywhere. I excuse myself and find the bathroom in the gloomy hallways, walking into the room. There was only four stalls and it looked very well kept, with no speck of dirt in sight. I turn to the mirror, looking at my reflection. Just like I thought, there were small bags curling under my eyes and my hair was a frizzy mess. Matt's sweatshirt was baggy and hung just over my thighs.

Remembering what I was there for, I splashed water over my face; scrubbing the mascara off with a paper towel. With it came my foundation and concealer, but I didn't mind. I quickly washed my hands and threw the dirty paper into the trash.

The halls looked a little brighter, maybe because I got all the mascare out of my eyes. What still looked the same was the waiting room. Some of the people had left and others were still there from last night, including us. Later today Scott's family was coming and my heart ached for them, since their son was in a car crash.

In movies they make car crashs seem to dramatic, and everyone dies. But in reality it just happens, theres nothing you can do about it. You can't prevent it, or magically get rid of it. It just happens; and that's what sucks.

1:00 PM

Scott's parents arrived not too long ago, rushing to the room that he was in. Before they made their way to the counter I reassured them that he was okay, which they smiled at. I was happy that Scott and Leah were okay, but I can't help but ache to see how the others were. Thats when the same nurse from last night came walking towards us, making us all straighten up.



i'm super sorry for all the sad chapters, i promise they'll come to an end eventually. anyways, please vote and share because it would mean a lot ! thank u for all the support on this book it means a lot, :,)

different // vlog squadOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora