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alexa's pov

david is sitting in the drivers seat and alex is sitting in the passengers, i look at his collar bone and look at his jawline.. this boy was really blessed with good looks. his eyes travel off his phone and into the driver's mirror, looking back at me. "take a picture it will last longer," he says mocking me of what i said before. i smile with my mouth closed, my dimples showing clearly.

the rest of the drive was pretty peaceful, we didn't engage in a conversation but it was a comfortable silence with the music playing softly in the backround. while i was scrolling through my phone i look up seeing david and alex whispering back and forth, oh no. discontinuing the whispers, alex asks me, "have you explored la yet?" i shake my head. "well if you'd like to... our friends are getting together and going out tonight; would you like to come?" at the same time, the two boys look back at me and smile waiting for my answer. i forget that david has a self driving car at some points, so this still frightened me.

"er, would it be any trouble?" i ask trying to avoid eye contact, i barely knew them and they were already inviting me to hang out with their friend group.

"not at all, they'll like you for sure.. especially your accent." david responds and i smile.

"well then sure... but can i invite my friends?" i ask hoping they would say yes.

"of course!" david said keeping his eyes on the road turning into target.

after an hour of shopping later we're all heading back to david's tesla. alex is attempting to blow his straw wrapper at me, but fails and it hits the ground. "hey thats littering!" i say pointing to the paper. alex puts his hands up in surrender and picks up the wrapper. i can't help but think about how adorable he is, this whole trip he's been helping me pick out things and food that was 'essential.' while we were shopping david had the idea to make me try american candy and foods in general for one of his youtube videos, i agreed of course.

david was something different, he told me about his vlogging and i learned that he has over five million subscribers. he said that they were sort of scripted and everyone in his friend group has a character to play, but for me he said i could just stay the same because my personality was naturally funny, which i took as a compliment. the whole time we were there they just cracked jokes and occasionally david would record. it's going to take some time for me to get used to that.

i run to the car throwing my bags in the back and hoping into shotgun before alex could say anything. he puffs and puts his things in the back, sitting on top of me. "alex! i can't! breathe!" i say trying to push him off of me.

"well then you shouldn't of stole my seat" he says readjusting himself making it even more uncomfortable for me.

"lets keep it pg in here okay, i don't wanna get pulled over and have to explain that you were both acting like children" david says seriously. i kneed alex in the leg making him get off of me and into the back seat... thank god. we made an agreement that alex can have the aux cord since i 'took' his seat, which is totally unfair but i didn't want to argue.

everytime we passed a trash can alex would yell "hey alexa! it's you!" i giggle at his childish joke and look at david, his jaw clearly clenched... i hope he knows alex is only joking? we made a quick right turn into our apartment complex's parking garage and david parked making sure that nobody could dent his 'baby.' i find it so funny that he cares so much about a car.

alex grabs my things in the back and hands them to me while i thank him. he's so sweet. together we make our way to the lift and into the building, as we reached my door i waved at them goodbye, even though we'd see eachother tonight. "bye alexa" alex says opening the door and going inside his own apartment.

"remember that i'm knocking on your door at 8 pm sharp, i don't want us to be late." david says giving me a smile showing off his dimples. i give him a thumbs up and enter into my own apartment.

as i enter the room i see all of the girls running around putting things away, "you didn't tell us you were leaving! what if you died!" laura exclaims coming up to me grabbing my bags. she sometimes acts like my mother, but i've grown used to it.

"i did tell you guys i was leaving, i left a note right here" i say picking it up and showing her.

"oh!" i must have not seen it she says grabbing it from my hand reading it out loud.

"er, the people next door invited us to go out with their friends tonight, to y'know, explore la." i say quickly looking at them, hoping they would say yes.

"the ones who sound like they're having loud sex?" lexi asks laughing and i nod laughing with her.

"alexa you're too innocent, you know what that means right? we're going to go to a club!" leah says throwing her hands up in the air, "i'm in." i look at lexi and she nods her head, but at the same time i'm wondering how were going to get in, considering the age requirements are different here. however, i look at laura and she has a skeptical look on her face, considering she has type one diabetes and if she drinks, she'll die.

"cmon laur, i'll make sure nothing happens!" i say grabbing her hands, she smiles and agrees. "yes!" i cheer as i head to my room to pick my outfit. tonight is going to be so much fun.

different // vlog squadTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang