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Alexa's POV


ALEX AND I have been sitting on the couch for the past twenty minutes watching The Office. Everyone else was outside filming something, probably for David's vlog. I heard a scream and someone yelling which made me curious. "Do you want to go see what they're doing?" I ask Alex looking back at him and he thinks for a moment.

"Sure, it's probably just one of David's dumbass skits." I get off of him and we make our way to the backyard, my breath hitching at what was happening. They somehow managed to set a couple pool chairs on fire, which they were now freaking out about.

"David you're such a dick!" Scott yells trying to hit the chairs into the pool with no luck. David yells something back and fake laughs, which is easy to tell. Todd, Matt and Scotty all grab a metal rod pushing the flaming chairs into the pool successfully. Everyone around them sighs in relief, especially Jason.

"David I'm done with your dangerous skits! One time you ended up with stitches and now you almost caused a wild fire to happen!" He yells, looking at David straight in the face while he was still recording. I could tell Jason was being serious, but he still wanted to put it in a joking manner.

"I'm sorry guys I'm gonna go," David says quiety waving at everyone before exiting out of the backyard into the house.

"Whats up with him?" Brandon asks looking at all of us with a confused expression. There was a mix of answers until Toddy pointed at me, making my breath hitch. He cannot be blaming David's behavior on me, it was his choice to get back together with Liza; not mine. I then remembered Liza was still out here, making my eyes go wide. She seemed so nice, I want to be friends but not when one boy is emotionally tied to the both of us. She shoots her head up once she sees him pointing to me, my anxiety goes off the roof.


I hate being put on the spot, ever since I was little it was one of my biggest fears. It's a horrible feeling to have everyone staring at you waiting for you to say something but you can't. Everyone's emotions are different, some are giving me simpathetic smiles and others are confused, but Liza's was the worse. She looked so angry and hurt, which seems to be a common theme with everyone when I'm around.

I can't stand looking at their faces anymore so I quickly run back into the house, running to the front door. "Alexa!" Alex yelled behind me, chasing after me. I didn't want anyone to see me, this is when I'm at my most venerable state. They probably think I'm a whore, since I was just with David and now I'm leaving him for Alex. They're probably all going to be on David's side, leaving me with no one.

Once I got outside I realized that I drove here with Todd. Fuck me. My natural instinct was to run, so that's what I did. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, running into the busy city of Los Angeles. I knew Alex was close behind me but I didn't want to stop, I didn't want to see him. He's probably going to be so angry at me for running out like that, leaving him there. I'm so selfish.

That's when I realize that if I don't stop, he'll be more angry. I've never seen him actually mad, but from David's vlogs I was expecting the worse. So I stopped in my tracks, waiting for him to catch me. I turned around to see the brown haired boy coming closer and once my eyes met his, he slowed down. "How the fuck are you that fast?" He asks catching his breath which takes me by surprise. I don't answer him, just looked away. "Did I do something wrong?" He whispers looking at my side profile.

Of course he didn't go anything wrong, it's just me.

"No. It's me, I did something wrong." I pause looking at his face expression and then I continue, "I ran out of the backyard trying to escape you. Not because you did anything, because I did. I didn't want you seeing me like this little flower and whenever she gets put on the spot she freezes making her want to crawl up into a fucking cave."

"You think too much. Y'know?" He says still looking at me, even though my eyes never met his. I was confused at his answer at first but he continued on, "Todd should've never put you on the spot like that. You're best friends and he obviously has seen that those type of things upset you, so have I."

"He'll always be loyal to David, Alex. He's known him for way longer then me so he's obviously going to be on his side for this whole disbute. I thought David and I were good, since we're clearly not meant to be." I trail off finally looking at the tall boy with blue eyes. This time he doesn't respond, just pulls me in.

The loud city evaporates for a minute and I take a second to breathe in his scent, making me smile. Alex was the only one who could make me feel like this, even with a simple hug.



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