thirty one

448 17 2

hey guys!! thank u so so so much for 6k reads, i never thought something i'd written would have that big of an audience. like promised, i'm back to write for you guys in paris. i'm super sorry for the delay of the chapter, i'm not very good at remembering things. but even so, enjoy the chapter. i love u guys thanks again. <3


"YOU CAN'T JUST SAY THAT, Laura. I don't know maybe he did lie here and there but never was that major. Anyways, that's such a weird question, it's not like I keep track." I say looking back at her and she nods, thinking.

"But maybe it would be smart to think about it that way, I saw the way you and David looked at each other Alexa, I know that you were the happiest you ever were. But for the time I saw you with Alex it was like that too, but David definitely had an impact on you more than he did."

"Laura, we can't go off looks. You see, what you and Todd have is something real. When I watch you guys I can really tell you're in love with each other, with Alex and David I never felt that... I don't know." I respond looking at her face for some type of response.

"It's okay, I understand."


Today was the day, everybody would be released and would go back to somewhat normal. I already saw David leave with Liza, and he gave me a soft smile when they reached the door. He seemed genuinely happy that he was leaving and I don't blame him. As for Laura, she's currently being checked on to make sure she's okay to leave. Todd and I wait eagerly in the lobby, waiting for her to emerge.

Right as I'm thinking this, she walks out with a tall doctor who's leading her to the front desk. Todd and I immediately stand up and walk towards them, listening in on the conversation. They discussed what Laura could and couldn't do, and what meds she had to take. Then we were out, Todd ordered an Uber and it came here quickly. We decided to go back to the apartment so we could all rest and take a nap.

The whole ride back I felt like a third wheel watching Laura and Todd converse. I miss having someone to do that with, but at the same time I realized how much I need a break from boys and relationships in general. Despite that the car ride went pretty quickly, and we were suddenly back at the familiar apartment.

I fiddled through my pocket to find my key to the room and hustled upstairs, letting Todd and Laura trail behind. These past few days I haven't been able to sleep to well, actually the past two weeks. As I reach the door I'm already out of breath, holding onto the door handle attached to the apartment door. I really need to workout soon. Finally I open the door to reveal the apartment the exact same way we left it, the blankets were everywhere, and there was leftover food still on the counter that I quickly threw out.

After throwing the food out, I made my way to my room where I changed into comfy clothes and go in bed. For awhile I laid there, thinking about everything that's happened. Many things cross my mind, Laura, Todd, Matt, Alex... David.


It's been two weeks ever since Laura and David got released from the hospital. Almost everything has gone back to normal, David's posting vlogs, everyone's able to hangs out again, and so much more. Except I haven't been with them. For the past two weeks I've gone back to England, I missed the old things and was glad to see my friends. I only got back a couple days ago, but I've settled in mostly. Tonight, Laura and Todd decided to invite everyone over to the apartment to hangout and watch a movie. Todd basically lives here now, which hasn't changed ever before the crash.

"Alexa are you up?" I hear Laura calling out walking into my room where I lay on my phone. She sees me like this and runs towards me, while I curl up ready for the impact of her body. She slams into me and I groan, pushing her off the bed, "Get up, everyone's gonna be here soon and they haven't seen you in forever.."

"Why can't I look like this? It's not like they aren't used to it." I say standing up to face the mirror. My hair was tied up in a ponytail, my black leggings were covered in fur from my blankets, and my shirt was wrinkled.

"You look like a homeless person, at least change clothes. Don't you want them to be happy to see you?"

"Yeah, I guess. I've missed them, sort of." Laura nods and walks out shutting the door behind her. Great.


The apartment's air conditioning was turned all the way up, so I was cuddled in various blankets in the corner of the house watching Laura and Todd make popcorn. They've never acted to host-like, which was odd. Like on cue the doorbell rang, and both of them looked at me waiting for me to get it. "It's open!" I yell turning back to the television and scrolling through my phone.

"Hey" the familiar voice echoed through the apartment that could only belong to Alex. My eyes shot up to meet his and we look at each other for awhile before he breaks the eye contact, turning to the person behind him. It was a girl. Her hair was golden blonde and fell just above her waist. She was gorgeous, but I didn't expect anything less for Alex. Laura's eyes immediately followed mine and went wide, trying to stumble for some type of words. He clears his throat about to talk before someone else emerges through the door, David. He's accompanied by a trail of people one being Liza, who he seems rather happy to be with.

Everyone's moved on.

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