twenty five

479 15 1


"BECAUSE I'M SCARED SHE'LL HURT YOU." He says as the words escape his mouth, leaving me sitting there as the silence creeps up on us. There was no way Liza would hurt me, if she even thought about it she would've by now. I'm vulnerable and unstable, so why wouldn't she just do it now?

"I don't believe you," I say looking back at the boy laying in front of me, stiff.

"Believe what you want, Alexa. But know if she ever tries, I'll always be there to protect you" He drifts off, rolling over and becomes quiet.

There isn't any talking after that, it's silent. I can tell he's not asleep but I stay there anyways, listening at his monitors beep in a rhythmic way. It was now 4:00 in the morning according to my phone, so I should probably go down stairs before the nurses do their morning check up on all the patients. I also needed to go so Alex doesn't wake up and realize I'm not there, because he'll go crazy. He's told me many times he doesn't trust David, and neither did I but I just needed to get away from everyone else.

David's feelings towards me were obviously there, but I didn't reflect them. One part of me felt bad, but pity was not what he needed right now. All I wanted was a friendship, not another failed love attempt. With that I stood up quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear me leaving and walk towards the door.

"I'm sorry about everything. Please realize that." I can hear the distant husky voice belonging to the injured boy says.

"I'm sorry too David."


I couldn't walk back to him, not again. Especially when there was a wonderful boy downstairs who would give the world to me. Everything with Alex seemed to be falling into place again, just like it should've when we first met. But at the same time the boy with the camera will always leaving a mark on my small heart, he was different and I hated it.

Before I enter the lobby again I quickly erase my thoughts about David and walk into the quiet, cramped space filled with people. Alex was still sleeping but I could see Matt out of the corner of my eye watching me return back to my seat. I sit down quietly hoping he would just let it go and not say anything but I was wrong. "You gotta pick Al," He says using the nickname I always hated, but he didn't care.

"Matt leave me alone," I say laying my shoulder onto Alex's.

"You know I'm right. Don't deny it," He says quietly giving me a side smile that I return. There was no point in arguing with him, even if he wasn't right. Matt will always do anything to win a fight, even if that means going to the highest measures.

9:00 AM

The air was warmer now as more and more people entered the too familiar lobby. Everyone was awake and talking to each other, and people from the group were coming in. Even though our friend's were in the hospital, they were still trying to make light of the situation which is a quality I always loved about them. Alex hasn't talked much the whole morning and distanced himself from me which I found a bit off, but I didn't think much of it. Everyone deals with these types of situations differently, so I wouldn't be surprised if he just wanted some space.

I was scrolling through David's twitter feed as the same doctor comes us to us all, making me scared. Everyone's heads shot up and they immediately become quiet waiting for the news to be said. He clears his throat before saying, "Todd Smith is awake and is ready for visitors. Please two at a time and don't overwhelm him, he says he's okay but any sudden things will make his blood pressure go up." I smile widely and look at the others, who seem as excited as we were.

"Guess who didn't die bitches" Someone says behind us and we turn to see Scott hand-and-hand with Leah. Tears immediately spring to my eyes, and I run to my friend hugging her with all my might. Good news kept coming towards me, and I was hoping it would be about Laura next.


We decided that Scott and I would see Todd first, which was surprising. I was nervous to see him, even if we were good friends. The doctor told us not to tell him anything crazy, but at the same time I want to tell him about Laura. "Scott, should I tell him about Laura?" I ask looking at the muscular figure standing beside me in front of the door.

"Uh I don't think so. He'll go mad and probably pull all of his IVs off of himself."

I nod and take a deep breathe, turning the door knob into the dim hospital room. Todd is sitting there, watching something on the TV and his glance quickly moves towards us. "Holy shit you didn't die," He says looking at Scott while he holds his arms out wanting for him to hug him. I watch the reunion and smile genuinely, since they both seemed so excited to see each other. Todd's eyes finally shift towards me and opens his arms again waiting for me.

"For once I'm happy to see you" I say into his shoulder and he laughs lightly, squeezing me tighter. We unlock each other and he looks at us both oddly.

"So... where's Laura?" He asks looking between us. My breath turns cold again and I look at Scott who has the same expression. Mentally I tell him that since he's his best friend, he should tell him. Somehow he seemed to understand my message and clears his throat.

"Okay. Before you go crazy and like tear this whole hospital room apart, she's okay. Don't worry." I watch Todd's expression change, and he's furrowing his eyebrows while looking at Scott with a scared expression. "She's in a coma."

At first he seems taken a back, but he doesn't say anything. I wait for some sign of emotion, but it doesn't come. Silence is now among us, which is something that I've grown used to. "I need to see her," He says moving around his cords and Scott starts to panic, while I follow. He holds him down and I reassure him that she's okay, but he won't listen to either of us. I don't blame him.

After about ten minutes of fighting he finally gives up, laying back down into the sheets while we cover him up again. "Why didn't you guys tell me once you came in? Have you guys seen her yet? How long have we both been unconscious? How is her condition? When did the doctors predict that she's going to wake up?" He rambles on question after question, making my head spin.

"Calm down. Calm down. He said we could see her soon, maybe in a couple hours. They said that she's breathing correctly and everything is going well-" I stop fluttering my eyes making sure tears don't fall. If I start crying, he'll know that everything isn't okay and that in reality I had no idea when she would wake up, nobody did. "Anyways, everything is going well and she should wake up soon. They promised me."

"You're lying. Don't lie. Tell me how she really is. Please." He says, not looking me in the eyes. I forgot Todd was really observant and has always been ever since we met. He always slept at our place, and he knew when I was upset and all my different emotions. That's why we were always great friends.

"God dammit Todd I don't know. Okay? I don't know. Everything has been going haywire, and right now I'm just glad my friends are awake." I reply, looking at him while he gazes back. Scott hasn't said a word, just watching us both communicate.

"Whats wrong?" He asks, knowing that this isn't just about Laura or him.

"Nothing. I promise."



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