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David's POV

As soon as I heard Liza's voice I was startled. We didn't end off on the right terms, and I always wanted to talk about it; so when she invited me over I immediately accepted. I was currently waiting in LA traffic, waiting for the light to turn green. When I left Alexa looked so confused, I sent her a text an hour ago but she never responded, all I want to do is talk to Liza. Nothing more.


When I turned into the familiar apartment complex I quickly park and make my way up to Liza's apartment. Maybe this wasn't completely thought through, what if she gets the wrong message? I shake it off and make my way to the elevator, realizing I left my camera in the car, fuck. All of my fans wanted a reunion, so it would probably get loads of views... but maybe it was better if I didn't bring it.

I start to walk down the familiar hallway, almost passing her apartment. C'mon David, you can do it. Holding my breath I knock on the door, watching the door unlocking revealing Liza Koshy. She looked good. The only times I see her nowadays is on Instagram or Twitter. "Hi David," she says looking up at me since shes so small.



Alex's POV

Alexa fell asleep on my chest and I can hear her lightly breathing, I'm stroking her hair as I look at the lights of Los Angeles which are very abroad at night. My phone has been going off non stop and so has hers, which I might as well see what it is. I reach over trying my best not to wake her up with no luck, she shuffles and puts her hand by her head for support. She starts to breath lightly again, signalling that she's asleep. I sigh in relief as I turn on my phone, the light blinding me.

Theres nothing out of the usual, I like a couple Instagram posts and tweet something stupid. As I was putting my phone away I couldn't help but see a text message from David pop up on Alexa's phone. It takes me awhile but I finally grab it, opening up the text.


i'm so sorry for leaving quickly but liza called

i know it sounds bad but i promise we're only going to talk

i really like u and only u.

I look at the text message a couple times and think. How the hell does David not like Liza? The text was sent an hour ago so he probably hasn't even had a proper conversation with her yet. Fuck. I can already imagine that he texted Todd the same thing, telling him to keep an eye on me since he doesn't fully trust me, but can you blame him? I'm such a horrible friend. But at the same time I'm here with her.

Romeo finally had his Juliet, and this time he wasn't going to let go so easily.


David's POV

Liza has told me all about her trips and upcoming show, which I don't find really fascinating. The thing we never had in common was talking about ourselves, as much as I seem like a douche on camera I really hate talking about what I do. Whenever the topic comes up with a stranger they always ask, "whats a youtuber?" and "whats your actual job?" This just leads to awkward small talk. Liza on the other hand could talk about herself for days, not that it's bad I just got tired of it.

I came here to talk about our friendship, not about her success.

(also no shade thrown at Liza, i love her with my whole ass heart okay)

She finally stops and asks me about what I've been up to, which I respond with a brief summary. Like I said, I hate talking about myself.

"Listen Liza, the whole reason I came back is to talk about our relationship."

The mood changes.

"Do you want to get back together?" she asks with hope in her eyes, fuck. This is why I fell in love with her. But at the same time, I'm in love with a british girl who is clumsy, adorable, and the most amazing person in the world. Wait, did I just admit to being in love with Alexa? I push the feelings beside and think, I can't be in love with her. It's only been two weeks, that's not a long time. Liza is still staring at me and I panic.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom," I say quickly and rush out of the all white living room, leaving her sitting there. This cannot be happening. Once I close the door I open up my phone checking one more time if Alexa responded, no luck. Maybe she snap chatted me? I don't know. I check and theres still nothing there, I swipe through stories until I reach one that catches my eye.

Immediately I wish I didn't open snapchat

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Immediately I wish I didn't open snapchat. That can't be her with Alex, especially not after everything that happened. I look at it one more time, recognizing the same nail polish and hands that I could rub circles into for hours. Thats Alexa and Alex holding hands, and the worst part is I can't do anything about it.

Once I close my phone I look in the mirror, I'm wearing my usual outfit, black jeans, black shirt, black hat, etc. I glance at the door and a rush of anger comes through my body, I wanted to punch Alex and yell at him. He wasn't trustworthy and I knew it, but I still let him back into my life. Mistake one.

Without thinking I swinged the door open walking to Liza, "I want to get back together."

Mistake two.



hi guys!! this chapter was supposed to be longer but wattpad decided to be an ass and not save my changes. i still hope you enjoyed and remember to vote. love u. xoxo

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